Druidic Circles, for non-Druids (5e Variant Rule)

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Druid Circles[edit]


Features needing special consideration[edit]

Natural Recovery: For a non-caster, this ability is next to useless, as written. However, if it is changed from 'recovering lost spell slots' once per long rest to 'granting spell slots' once per long rest, the effect immediately becomes useful to all classes.

A non-druid Who gains this feature may, once per long rest gain a number of spell slots, whose total spell levels equal their class level, and for which no single spell slot is above half their class level, nor above 6th level.

The character may cast any spells gained via their archetype.

Circle Forms: given the lack of Wild Shape in non-druid classes, an ability that enhances it presents an inherent problem. To compensate, a non-druid which would gain the Circle Forms ability from their archetype will instead gain the standard Wild Shape power, with the following changes:

  • Wild Shape uses only refresh after a Long Rest.
  • The character may assume forms of a CR equal to 1/8 their Class level (rounded down) or lower, and capping at CR 1.

Individual Class Descriptions[edit]


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives all other features at their normal levels.

Also receives access to any spells associated with the Circle chosen.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 14 features at level 14.

Also receives access to any spells associated with the Circle chosen.


Receives level 2 features at level 2.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 10 features at level 8.

Receives level 14 features at level 17.

Also receives access to any spells associated with the Circle chosen.

Finally, at level 1 the Cleric gains proficiency in any two Druid Skill of their choice.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 10 features at level 10.

Receives level 14 features at level 18.

Receives Timeless Body feature at level 15.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 10 features at level 11.

Receives level 14 features at level 17.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 10 features at level 15.

Receives level 14 features at level 20.

The Paladin may choose from the following two benefits at level 3:

  • The Paladin may recover Wild Shape uses once per Short rest
  • The Paladin learns the Oath Spells of a single Sacred Oath. They are always treated as Prepared.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 7.

Receives level 10 features at level 11.

Receives level 14 features at level 15.

The Ranger learns the Druidic language at level 3.


Receives level 2 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 9.

Receives level 10 features at level 13.

Receives level 14 features at level 17.


Receives level 2 features at level 1.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 10 features at level 14.

Receives level 14 features at level 18.


Receives level 2 features at level 1.

Receives all other features at their normal levels.

The Warlock is treated as a non-spellcaster, for purposes of gaining druid abilities. They also receive 1 fewer Warlock spell slots at each level compared to a Warlock of any other patron would.


Receives all features at their normal levels.

Non-recommended Classes[edit]

Cleric: Druids are really a form of Cleric in their own right. Despite this seeming similarity, Clerics, and not Druids, receive a large spike in power immediately at level 1, from their domain. A cleric taking a Druid Archetype never fully recovers from that loss.

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