Drinking (5e Variant Rule)

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Intoxication Threshold[edit]

You have an intoxication threshold that is equal to your Constitution modifier +1 (Minimum of 1). Once a player reaches this threshold they are granted "Liquid Courage".

Drinks have 6 levels of strength:

  • Diluted = The drink is watered down; every (5) drinks adds a level of intoxication. These drinks typically cost 1-5 copper pieces.
  • Weak = Every (2) weak beverage adds a level of intoxication. These drinks typically costs 5-10 copper pieces.
  • Moderate = A moderate beverage adds a level of intoxication. These drinks typically cost 1-5 silver pieces.
  • Strong = A strong beverage adds 2-levels of intoxication. These drinks typically cost 5 silver pieces to 1 gold piece
  • Very strong = A very strong beverage adds 3-levels of intoxication. These drinks typically cost 1-10 gold pieces.
  • Dangerously strong = A dangerously strong beverage adds 5-levels of intoxication. These drinks range wildly in prices depending on where they are purchased from.
  • Blackout = Once reaching their intoxication threshold, any drink after causes the creature must make a DC10 Constitution save becoming blackout drunk and requiring a roll from the Blackout table.

Liquid Courage[edit]

Liquid courage grants you the following effects for 1d4 hours

  1. 5 temporary hit points
  2. Advantage on Charisma skill checks.
  3. Advantage on saving throws made against fear.
  4. Advantage on Charisma ability checks.

as well as:

  • Disadvantage on Wisdom and Dexterity saving throws.
  • Disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom skill checks.

Blackout Table[edit]

Roll 1D10 to determine the outcome once a Blackout occurs:

  • 1-3) You fall unconscious taking 1D6 bludgeoning damage and remain unconscious for 8-hours
  • 4-5) You pick a fight with a fellow party member, use an action to make an unarmed strike, all Extra Attacks as well; if the party member is intoxicated, roll a D20 to determine how they react - on an Odd, the party member responds in a hostile manner, on an Even, the party member laughs it off as a joke
  • 6-7) You gain 1 level of exhaustion, you pick a fight with a random nearby patron, use an action to make an unarmed strike, all Extra Attacks as well; if the attack hits the creature will respond with hostility
  • 8) You gain 1 level of exhaustion, you are overtaken by generosity in your inebriated state and you give away 10D12x2 gold, or as much as you own compared to the roll
  • 9) You gain 1 level of exhaustion, you spend 10D12 gold on drinks for all around you; you owe the amount rolled to the barkeep even if you do not have enough to cover the bill
  • 10) You gain 1 level of exhaustion and take another drink forcing you to roll on the Blackout table again

After the Threshold[edit]

Furthermore, you must make a Constitution saving throw save after each drink consumed past their threshold. The DC is equal 8 + the strength of the drink + your level of intoxication. If you fail, you gain one level of exhaustion. If you fail the save by 5 or more, you take a second level of exhaustion.

Detoxing and Hangovers[edit]

  • Your levels of intoxication are decreased by 2 at the end of a short rest and reset at the end of a long rest. If you have 1 level of exhaustion gained from intoxication and no levels of intoxication, you have a hangover.
  • While you’re hungover, you are vulnerable to thunder damage and have disadvantage against being blinded. You lose 4 levels of intoxication from a use of lesser restoration.
  • You lose your hangover at the end of a long rest or from a use of greater restoration (must be used after exhaustion is cured).
(one vote)

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