Dream Journalist (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item (Book), Uncommon (Minor)

A small leather bound journal, held closed with a bronze hook. The name “Cassy” has been inlayed into the spine. The book has a seemingly infinite number of pages, and has seen significant use. There is no telling what is within its pages.
Sentience. The Dream Journalist (Cassy) is a distinctly feminine entity, contained within the pages of her book. She is a highly intelligent (Int=16+1d4), and wise (Wis=16) individual, who is capable of feeling all standard emotions.
Personality. Cassy’s main goal is to be as helpful as she can for purposes of categorizing information.

Good Night. Whenever a creature, capable of dreaming, falls asleep with the book on their person their dreams are perfectly transcribed and stored by Cassy. This effect can be resisted with a successful (dc 10) wisdom saving throw.

Saved and Stored. Cassy is an entirely benevolent entity and takes great care in organizing information among her books pages. She has a “file” for every previous owner of the book, where she stores transcripts of their dreams, transcripts of conversations she had with them, and other miscellaneous bits of information. The “files” can be accessed by anyone, and Cassy will help when searching for information.

Note: The amount of information stored is entirely dependent on the DMs willingness to give out information. The book may even contain the dreams of a prophet if the DM wants it to.

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