Dream Blade (3.5e Equipment)

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Dream Blade: The dreamblade is a +1 keen bane longsword. Each night, when the wielder dreams, he is able to change the creature type damaged by the bane effect of the sword. Once the choice is made, it lasts until changed again, with a minimum of 24 hours.

When Kavior D’Altera first encountered the dream sphere, it almost killed him. Eventually, however, he mastered that strange artifact from long-dead gods and drew forth from it a weapon to give to his son, Redair. Redair was charged with protecting his father as he communed with the strange sphere. He did so admirably, even when the hordes of the demonic Choid swarmed into their palace wreaking ruin and pain. He only succeeded through use of the dreamblade.

CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dream, keen edge, summon monster I; Cost 20,315 gp + 1,600 XP; Market Price: 40,315 gp

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