Drain Ability (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Drain Ability (Wis)[edit]

You can reduce one of a target’s ability scores.

Requirements: Psychometabolism feat

Check: You can make a Drain Ability check to reduce the ability of a creature. You must be touching or in mental contact with the target. Each ability score requires a different Drain Ability skill, which is learned and used separately. So there is Drain Strength, Drain Dexterity, and so forth. The result of your skill check determines amount of temporary ability damage the target suffers. A successful Will saving throw negates the effect. You can select ability damage that’s less than the result you achieve to reduce the strain cost.

Result Ability Damage Strain
10–14 1d4 2
15–24 1d6 4
25–34 1d8 6
35+ 2d6 8

Special: You can’t take 10 or take 20 on a Drain Ability check.

Time: Drain Ability is a standard action.

Strain: See above.

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