Draf Leaves (5e Equipment)
General info[edit]
Draf leafs are an alternative way to give immediate health to a wounded creatures when health potions and healing magic is unavailable. They are used mainly by herbalists, doctors, and field/battle medics. Draf are commonly used by doctors in places where they can find and afford the herb, usually in large towns or larger places like cities. During times of war, draf leafs were applied before combat to mend wounds as soon as they appeared (this was when the herb was commonly found, but is now rare). Draf leafs grow in small bushes and often only have around 10 useable leafs (this is due to the plant being vulnerable to weather conditions and plant eating animals as the plant is quite tasty). Farming the plant is also difficult as it is vulnerable to harsh weather and often will cost more to farm than you would profit. When harvested, the draf leaf will lose its properties quickly if it is not prepared and preserved (1 hour before it wilts and loses its properties).
How it’s used[edit]
A draf leaf is a medical herb which quickly accelerates a person’s natural healing in an emergency. The draf leaf must be used with an herbalism kit, a mortar and pestle, or some adequate replacement that can grind organic matter into a salve (The process to create the salve takes at least 2 minutes, but can be done in one minute if rushed). Once made, the salve retains its usefulness for 5 minutes before it becomes a useless bit of organic material unless it is contained in a vial or something similar (this will keep it preserved for up to 5 days). It takes an action to apply the salve to heal the target. When the salve is used on a creature with hit points below their maximum, the following effects occur:
- The target rolls and expends one of their hit dice and they regain a number of hit points equal to the result divided by 2 (rounded up). This healing cannot exceed the target’s hit point maximum.
Cost: 15 (gp) per dose
Weight: -
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