Discussion:Where is my base class?

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Where is my base class?[edit]

I am looking for the class I have been working on, and i am not finding it on the list of base classes.

Marasmusine (talk01:40, 1 November 2015 (MST)[edit]

If it's The Pandora (3.5e Class), it's not listed because you've removed (or not added) the categories used for indexing. I've done this for you, so you should see it listed at the bottom of 3.5e Base Classes. When the class is finished (needs a full description; features need to be marked as Su, Sp, Ex; fill the dead levels), you can remove the stub template, and it will be listed in the main section.

Jaekaido (talk12:55, 1 November 2015[edit]

Thank you so much for helping me. I know it may not seem like a major thing, but this is a big deal to me. Thank you once again.

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