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Back to Main PageMeta PagesDiscussions 10:41, 1 November 2016 (MDT)[edit]

I was wondering if there is a class whose primary attributes are:

Intelligence, Dexterity, and Charisma

2601:1C1:8B02:7A76:B533:3AF:FE58:F343 08:42, 8 November 2016 (MST)[edit]

That could be summed up in a few classes. Bard requires heavy Charisma and Dex, intel goes along with it because it gets so many skills. Ranger Specif Beastmaster and the Homebrew Beastmaster would use Heavy Charisma and Dex, not as much Intel Most classes have 2 skills, so figure which 2 you want more and the third will enhance the character but: Dex for combat based classes that focus on skill more than power (monk, swordsmen, pirate, ranger type) Charisma is for characters that use charm and magic like warlock, sorc, bard, cleric intel is for psychics and wizards generally

  object stat blocks[edit]

It is my estimation that object stat blocks should not include ability scores, unless the object is sentient. 20:25, 12 November 2022 (MST)

Yanied (talk20:33, 12 November 2022 (MST)[edit]

If you're talking a class with three primary scores... I guess 4e did have malleable builds. Rogue, for example, emphasizes dexterity, but also has intelligence and charisma options. In 5e, you would put dex at the forefront, but choose between int and cha probably based on a specific build. That being said, there is no reason you couldn't use a more MAD build to spread your statistics, even if a class does not require them for optimization.