Discussion:Power Attack and Strength Checks

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Power Attack and Strength Checks[edit]

Out of curiosity, can power attack be used to increase a strength check? As I read the feat you forgo accuracy to add increased force to your blow, to me that means that you should be able to use power attack in more ways then simply increasing damage.

An example of this would be using a power attack to increase your modifer when tripping a monster, or perhaps power attacking that pesky locked door.


TK-Squared 13:35, 26 January 2009 (MST)[edit]

Only if you use the Knockback feat from Races of Stone.

Hijax 05:41, 5 February 2009 (MST)[edit]

you cant use power attack to improve your strength check to smack the door, though i'd allow it if i were your DM

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