Dire Survival Rules (5e Variant Rule)

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Dire Survival Rules[edit]

This is a set of new rules and changes to the rules to make survival more dire!


Dropping to 0 Hit Points[edit]


Whenever you take damage equal to half your maximum of hit points in a single turn, you are instantly reduced to 0 hit points.


When you take damage on a single attack equal to the maximum number possible on your hit die + your Constitution modifier, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 15, or you are knocked unconscious until the end of your next turn.

Hard Recovery

Whenever you fail a death saving throw, you must spend 1 hit die or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

Stabilizing a Creature

The DC of the Wisdom (Medicine) check to stabilize a creature increases in 5 for each failed Death Saving Throw.

Rest and Sleep[edit]

Short Rest[edit]

Short rests work as the core rules, with the following changes:

Rest Limits

After three short rests, a character can't benefit from another one until it completes a long rest.

Tending to Wounds

A character is only capable of spending hit dice to recover hit points if properly treated. A character can treat another by making a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a DC equal 10 + 1 for each hit die spent by the treated character.

To treat a creature, a character needs to have the healer's kit in hand, and spend 1 use of the kit for each hit die spent by the treated creature.

A creature can tend to its own wounds by making this check, but the check is made with Disadvantage.

Long Rest[edit]

Long rests work as the core rules, with the following changes:

Full Recovery

A character don't regain hit points after finishing a long rest. Instead, a character that starts a long rest with more than half its maximum of hit points regain all its hit dice at the end of the rest.

Rough Recovery

A character that start a long rest below its maximum amount of hit points recover half its total number of hit dice (minimum of one die) at the end of the rest.

Hard Recovery

A character that start a rest with less hit points than its Constitution modifier + 4 regain only 1 hit die after finishing the rest.



Food Poisoning

Whenever a character eats food that is not fresh, such as rations or carried food, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned.

A creature can be cured from food poisoning by any character with the Healer's kit, after a successful Wisdom (Medicine) check against a DC of 10, that must be done over the course of a short or a long rest. At the end of the rest, the treated character loses 1 hit die. If the character doesn't have a hit die, it suffers 1 level of exhaustion.

If the a character takes poison damage or is fully submerged in water while carrying food, that food is spoiled. Any creature who consumes spoiled food must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 15 or be poisoned.


The rules for starvation are the same as the ones presented in the core rules, with the following changes:

  • A character can go a number of days without food equal to its Constitution modifier.
  • After finishing a long rest, a character loses a number of hit dice equal to the number of days it has passed without food.
  • If the character don't have hit dice to lose, it suffers levels of exhaustion equal to the number of days it has passed without food.

Same as the core rules, with the following changes:

  • Each failure in a saving throw to avoid exhaustion due to dehydration increases the DC in 5.
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