Defensive Superiority (5e Feat)

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Defensive Superiority

Prerequisites: Proficiency with Shields and at least one Superiority Die.
Your training in the defensive fighting style has enabled you to manifest your superiority in battle in defensive ways.

You can choose a fighting style between Interception and Protection, and receive their benefits, in addition, you learn one maneuver of your choice from the following list: Bait and Switch, Commander's Strike, Parry, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Trip Attack.

When the effects of the chosen fighting style are triggered as part of your reaction you can perform a maneuver, spending a superiority die.

You also gain the ability to use a shield as part of the attack when performing these maneuvers. A shield deals d6 bludgeoning damage, and you are proficient in attacking with it. Additionally, when performing these maneuvers with a shield, you add your AC to the DC of the saving throw to resist its effects.

(one vote)

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