Deep Trance (5e Feat)

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Deep Trance

Prerequisites: Elf, Wisdom 13 or higher
You have sought to delve deeper into your mind space when meditating, unlocking ever greater mental rewards.

  • You only need to meditate for 2 hours to get the same benefits of a long rest. The other 6 must be spent doing light activity.
  • You may meditate for additional time beyond that of a long rest to unlock more benefits. All of them last 1 day starting when your trance ends. You get all effects that you’ve passed the time threshold for. If your trance is interrupted, the timer resets.

+2 Hours: Increase your movement speed by 10ft.

+4 Hours: You cannot have disadvantage on perception checks

+6 Hours: Gain 30ft of Darkvision. If you already have it, increase it by 15 feet

+8 Hours: Cast the Sleep spell once without requiring any material components.

+10 Hours: Gain proficiency in Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saves

+12 Hours: Gain resistance to Psychic damage.

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