Dedicated Hero (5e Feat)

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Dedicated Hero

Prerequisites: Good alignment

Through your sheer willpower and dedication to save others you can make miracles happen. Through extensive training you can sense immediate danger with lightning speed. You can no longer be surprised as a result of not being able to see the danger. Whenever you roll to stabilize a creature to prevent them from dying you have advantage.

You can also use a reaction to do one of the following:

  • If a creature that is within the distance remaining in your movement as of the end of your last turn is being attacked by a melee or ranged attack specifically targeting them, you can move to them and shove them out of the way by 5ft, taking their place. You become the target of the attack, which counts as a critical hit if it hits you.
  • If a creature that is within the remaining distance of your movement as of the end of your last turn is targeted within an AOE attack (ex. fireball, cone of cold, Etc.) you can move a space within 5ft of them to obstruct the attack and shield them from the brunt of its effects. They gain advantage on their saving throw and take no damage on a successful save or half damage on a failed save. You gain disadvantage on the saving throw and take three-fourths damage on a successful save, rather than half. If you were to take no damage on a success, you instead take half damage.

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