Dark-Vision Goggles (3.5e Equipment)

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Dark-Vision Goggles: These goggles are inlaid in a small, but complex magical device containing two lens fixtures, that is strapped in front of the face and translates optical input to a better suited form. When worn over the eyes, the wearer can choose between two modes of vision at the press of a small button on the side of the goggles. Only one mode can be visible at a time.

  • Dark-Vision Mode: The wearer gains darkvision out to 60 feet. The darkvision projected by dark-vision goggles is similar to that granted by the darkvision spell or special quality, except that instead of consisting of gray tones ranging from black to white, the field of vision becomes green tinted.
  • Thermal Imaging: Allows the detection of heat sources as per the detect heat spell and grants the wearer the resulting bonuses to Spot checks involving such sources.

Faint (DC 18) transmutationCL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item darkvision, detect heat; Cost 9,000 gp + 720 XP; Activation: Constant Effect (read below); Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 18,000 gp

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