Cursed Grass Sword (3.5e Equipment)

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Cursed Grass Sword: This is a +5 Vorpal Ghost Touch Katana made out of grass. Upon picking it up, the sword wraps itself around your arm, and can be summoned to your hand at will. The sword is extremely accurate, granting a +5 attack bonus. The weapon deals slashing damage. It deals 6d12 damage and is a one-handed weapon. 1/day you can cast Control Plants. This sword can never be removed from you until death, even by Dispel Magic or Remove Curse. If needed, the sword can split your arm into a gigantic thorny grass arm, granting the user +10 to Grapple, Reflex saving throws and Strength checks. After 2d10 rounds, the sword reverts into a flower and removing your arm from the shoulder down. If your arm were somehow restored, the sword would be there, in the form of a thorn sticking out of the palm of your cursed hand, and can only be summoned when in trouble (e.g. all teammates dead, on 10 Health or lower.).

Weak EnchantmentCL 10; Craft Wondrous Item, Control Plants; Weight: 2 lb.

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