Culinary Savant (5e Feat)

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Culinary Savant

Prerequisites: Level 4, Proficiency in cook's utensil's and brewer's kit.
Your knowledge and skill in the culinary arts could be considered second to none, Threw your immense talent and skill honed through months and years of practice you gain the following benefits:

  • For every day of downtime you spend culinarily crafting, you can craft one or more food or beverage items with a total market value not exceeding 100 gp, and you must expend raw materials worth half the total market value.
  • You add double your proficiency bonus to the cook's utensils or brewer's kit that you are proficient with when crafting.
  • If you have proficiency in performance you can perform culinary flare while still working your profession, This enables you and up to 4 other creatures to maintain a wealthy lifestyle, Roll a performance check with a DC of 5, for every 2 above this DC you can afford to cover the wealthy lifestyle for one extra creature up to a total of 4 other creatures (DC 13 performance). Even if you fail the DC 5 performance check you still afford the wealthy lifestyle for yourself, just not other creatures.

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