Crown of the Dark Lords (3.5e Equipment)

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Crown of the Dark Lords: This black onyx crown is embedded with red and purple gems, it radiates with a terrible power that courses through it's wearer. A good creature that attempts to wear the crown, must succeed on a DC22 will save or lose their mind as if by the Insanity spell. If the wearer is Evil they are granted a +4 Profane bonus to Wisdom and a +2 Profane bonus on all saving throws. If the wearer is an evil divine spellcaster of an evil god, they are granted additional benefits. They gain a +1 Profane Bonus to their caster level when casting any [Evil] spell and the DC of any [Evil] spell they cast increases by one.

Strong Abjuration [Evil]; CL 16; Craft Wondrous Item, Unholy Aura, Desecrate, Unhallow, Owl's Wisdom, Resistance; Cost 45,000 gp, 1,800 xp; Market Price: 90,000 gp

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