Creature of the Thirst (4e Feat)

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Creature of the Thirst [Multiclass Vampirism]

Mutlticlass vampirism using the vampirism variant rule
Prerequisite: You have the vampirism affliction
Benefit: You embrace your affliction becoming a whole new creature to what you once where. You qualify for the Novice Power, Acolyte Power, and Adept Power feat (PHB P.209), treating Vampire as the class into which you multiclass. In addition your character must drink at least a vials worth of blood a day or grant combat advantage, and take a cumulative -1 penalty to all checks for every day they haven’t drank blood. The scent of blood is so tempting to you that when around living creatures or amounts of blood you must make a save or instantly take penalties as if you hadn’t drank blood for a day. In addition increase your character's Radiant vulnerability from 5 to 15. you also gain a natural melee weapon with which you are proficient. (Proficiency +3, 1d4 damage). your teeth can be enchanted, and they do not crumble to dust when they are disenchanted You also choose one trait from the following list. (Your DM might create other traits to add to this list, or allow you to devise one of your own).
  • Embrace the Night: You are naturally more accustomed to the dark and more capable of hiding in shadow or night like conditions impossible to hear and so hard to spot. While standing in a darkened room, a shadow or any other form of darkness you may use the Embrace the Night power as an encounter power.
  • Embrace the Thirst: You have embraced the thirst to the point of being closer to being a mindless one then any others, yet blood gives you certain benefits others of your kind have never discovered. You may use the Embrace the Thirst power as an encounter power.
  • Embrace the Nature: You have embraced the nature that lays deep within to be like all other blood thirsty creatures, even to the point of taken on the form of a creature that lives so much like you. You may use the Embrace the Nature power as an encounter power.
Embrace the Night Feat Power
You have embraced the night, becoming a shadow that flickers in the vision of others.
Encounter Star.gif Shadow
Move Action Personal
Requirement: Standing in a square that either shadowed or dark, this includes night time ect;
Effect: Teleport your move speed to another square with shadow or darkness.

Embrace the Thirst Feat Power
You have embraced the thirst that haunts your life, almost mindless in your pursuit of blood.
Encounter Star.gif Shadow, Necrotic
Standard Action Melee
Requirement: The target is grappled by either you or an ally.
Attack: Strength +2 vs AC, Constitution +2 vs AC, or Dexterity +2 vs AC.
Increase the bonus to attack rolls to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.
Hit: 1d6+Strength, Constitution or Dexterity modifier Necrotic damage, you gain half the damage as temporary hit points and a +1 power to your next attack.
Effect: Teleport your move speed to another square with shadow or darkness.
Sustain Standard: As long as the target remains grappled and you do not move from your square of make an attack against another creature you may make an additional attack against the target.

Embrace the Nature Feat Power
You have embraced the nature that lays deep within to be like all other blood thirsty creatures, even to the point of taken on the form of a creature that lives so much like you.
Encounter Star.gif Shadow, Polymorph
Standard Action Personal
Requirement: Not Bloodied
Effect: You take on the form of a swarm of bats of medium size, any creature that start their turn in a square you occupy take 1d6 necrotic damage and is dazed (save ends) , for the purpose of movement you have flying 6 (poor) and you cannot use any items on your persona before you transformed, such items become part of your body and impossible to access, you may use ranged powers, but not melee powers. Like a tiny bat could your swarm can fly through small holes to appears on the other side and you are for all purposes of tiny size. You may make a bite attack Strength +2 vs Reflex, Constitution +2 vs Reflex, or Dexterity +2 vs Reflex,1d6 + Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity modifier necrotic damage and remain in this form until the end of your next turn.
Increase the size of the swarm to large at 11th level and huge at 21st level.
Increase the bonus to attack rolls to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

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