Crafting Variant: Smelting (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Normally, when crafting an item, you gather raw materials equal to 1/3 the item’s market price, then make a series of Craft checks until your total meets the item’s Craft DC. This represents a week or more of labor to work and assemble the item in question. The precise pricing of building materials is left intentionally vague and, once crafted, an item cannot be further improved except by enchanting it.

The smelting variant system allows you to account for base materials, custom-craft items from those materials, and ultimately, improve them at the forge by smelting additional ingots onto the original frame. This variant rule system also has the advantage of giving DM’s an additional option for treasure; instead of a generic sword, adventurers might well find a rare ore that can be used to create a powerful new weapon down the road.

Note that this system is primarily useful for weapons and armor. No other items are accounted for in the rules presented but you could theoretically extend the system to utility items.

Every item requires base materials. The following table presents prices, by item, for these.

Material Price Material Price Material Price
Rope 1 gp Quilted Sheet 5 sp Wood shaft 5 sp
Leather strips 5 sp Leather sheet 1 gp Wood plank 5 sp
Stone tile 5 sp Iron/Steel ingot 1 gp Gold1 ingot 10 gp
Limestone2 tile 5 gp Mithral ingot 500 gp Adamantine ingot 1000 gp

1Gold: Gold has a hardness of 7 and 20 hp/inch of thickness. When enhancing items made with gold via the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat, the enhancing time is halfed (1 day for each 2,000 gp in its magical features).
2Limestone: Limestone has the same hardness and hit points as stone. When enhancing items made with limestone via the Craft Psionic Arms And Armor feat, the enhancing time is halfed (1 day for each 2,000 gp in its magical features).

To craft an item, you must have the proper materials to follow the item’s creation formula as detailed on the table below. To craft the item, you make the check as normal. The item’s hardness and hit points are calculated based on the tile or ingot used in its’ crafting.

Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Gauntlet 1 tile/ingot Dagger, punching 1/21 leather strip,
1/2 tile/ingot
Gauntlet, spiked 1+1/2 tile/ingot Mace, light 1/2 leather strip,
1 tile/ingot
Sickle 1 leather strip,
1 tile/ingot
Mace, heavy 1 leather strip,
2 tile/ingot
Morningstar 1 leather strip,
1+1/2 tile/ingot
Shortspear, longspear,
spear, javelin
1 wood shaft,
1/2 tile/ingot
Heavy crossbow 2 wood plank,
15 tile/ingot
Light crossbow 2 wood plank,
10 tile/ingot
Crossbow bolt 1/3 tile/ingot Dart 1/6 tile/ingot
Sling bullets (10) 1/10 tile/ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Axe, throwing 1 leather strip
1+1/2 tile/ingot
Hammer, light 1/2 leather strip,
1/4 tile/ingot
Handaxe 1 leather strip,
1+1/2 tile/ingot
Kukri 1 leather strip
1 tile/ingot
Pick, light 1 leather strip,
1 tile/ingot
Sap 1/3 tile/ingot Short sword 2 leather strips,
2 tile/ingot
Battleaxe 2 leather strips,
2 tile/ingot
Flail 1 leather strip
2 tile/ingot
Longsword 2 leather strips,
4 tile/ingot
Pick, heavy 1 leather strip,
2 tile/ingot
Rapier 2 leather strips,
5 tile/ingot
Scimitar 2 leather strips,
4 tile/ingot
Trident 1 leather strip,
4+1/2 tile/ingot
Warhammer 2 leather strips,
3 tile/ingot
Falchion 2 leather strips,
24 tile/ingot
Glaive 1 leather strip,
2 tile/ingot
Greataxe 2 leather strips,
5 tile/ingot
Greatclub 1 leather strip,
1 tile/ingot
Flail, heavy 2 leather strips,
4 tile/ingot
Greatsword 2 leather strips
15 tile/ingot
Guisarme 2 leather strips,
2 tile/ingot
Halberd, Lance
1 leather strip,
2 tile/ingot
Scythe 2 leather strips,
5 tile/ingot
Longbow 2 leather strips,
24 tile/ingot
Longbow, composite 4 leather strips,
28 tile/ingot
Shortbow 2 leather strips,
9 tile/ingot
Shortbow, composite 2 leather strips,
24 tile/ingot
Arrows (20) 1/2 wood plank,
1/4 tile/ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Kama 1/4 leather strip,
1/4 tile/ingot
Nunchaku 1/2 wood plank,
1/4 tile/ingot
Sai 1/2 leather strip,
1/4 tile/ingot
Siangham 1 leather strip,
1/2 tile/ingot
Bastard sword 2 leather strips,
10 tile/ingot
Waraxe, dwarven 2 leather strips,
9 tile/ingot
Whip 1 leather strip,
1/2 tile/ingot
Axe, orc double 2 leather strips,
18 tile/ingot
Chain, spiked 8 tile/ingot Flail, dire 4 leather strips,
28 tile/ingot
Hammer, gnome hooked 2 leather strips,
5 tile/ingot
Sword, two-bladed 6 leather strips,
30 tile/ingot
Urgosh, dwarven 4 leather strips,
14 tile/ingot
Bolas 1 rope,
1/2 tile/ingot
Crossbow, hand 4 leather strips,
28 tile/ingot
repeating heavy
12 leather strips,
112 tile/ingot
repeating light
10 leather strips,
70 tile/ingot
Bolts, crossbow (5) 1 tile/ingot Net 6 rope Shuriken (5) 1/6 tile tile/ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Padded armor 5 quilted sheets Leather armor 3+1/2 leather sheets Studded leather 5 leather sheets,
3 ingot
Chain shirt 33 ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Hide 5 leather sheets Scale mail 16+1/2 ingot Chainmail 50 ingot Breastplate 33 leather sheets,
33 tile/ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Splint mail 44 quilted sheets,
22 leather sheets,
22 tile/ingot
Banded mail 44 leather sheets,
41 tile/ingot
Half-plate 200 tile/ingot Full plate 500 tile/ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Buckler 2 leather strips, 4 tile/ingot Shield,
light wooden
2 wood planks Shield,
light steel
3 ingot Shield,
heavy wooden
2+1/3 wood planks
heavy steel
6+1/2 ingot Shield, tower 10 ingot
Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula Item Formula
Armor spikes +16+1/2 tile/ingot Gauntlet, locked +2+1/2 tile/ingot Shield spikes +3+1/3 tile/ingot

1Note that when a fraction of an item is used, you may salvage the rest provided you make the Craft DC on your first try, representing you being sparing with material as you crafted.

Once weapons and armor have been made, they can be improved, if physically possible, by smelting additional ingots onto them. This can be done by taking the following feat.


You have learned to improve existing items by smelting ingots onto them.
Prerequisites: .Craft (weaponsmithing or armorsmithing) 6 ranks.
Benefits: You may make an additional Craft check of the appropriate type to improve weapons and armor. Smelted weapons gain a bonus to attack rolls and smelted armor gains a bonus to Armor Class as shown on the table below. This is considered a smelting bonus.
Masterwork +1 26 666 ingots
Improved +2 28 2,666 ingots
Superior +3 30 6,000 ingots
Legendary +4 32 10,666 ingots
Flawless +5 34 16,666 ingots
Special: Only weapons and armor made with ingots can be improved by smelting. The ingot type used in the smelting process need not be the same as the original ingot type used in the item creation. If two ingot types are used, the newly formed metal will have the properties of both of the respective metals used.

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