Cosmology (Sylfaen Supplement)

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The Planes[edit]

In this session are described how some of the traditional D&D planes interact with the world of Sylfaen and influence it.


Astral Plane[edit]

Ethereal Plane[edit]


Far Realm[edit]


The Gods[edit]

The High Powers[edit]

Ancient Dragon Spirits[edit]

The Outsiders[edit]

The Bound One[edit]

According to the legends, when the High Powers decided to punish the land of Sylfaen for their heretical betrayal of the old gods in favor for the false human gods, only one thing stopped their wrath. A humble man, a healer, follower of the High Powers and the ancient traditions, chose to bear the pain and punishment by himself, in exchange of sparing all the rest.

It is said the Bound One was chained in the depths of some hidden and forgotten cave, and was tasked to receiving all the pain and suffering that would be delivered to every single living creature in the world and their descendants. Now, the bound one still lives, chained, forever tortured and alone, for the crimes of others.

The Macadian Heroes[edit]

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