Cosmology (Shekastkoré Supplement)

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This celestial plane, exists above the troposphere in the sky. What in many planes there are stars in the sky, there aren't in the skies of the Material Plane. The night-time lights are the lights from the palaces of passed heroes and good-aligned deities. At least that is popular mythos, some of which is actually true. There are only three ways to reach Behesht. Arcane, Divine, and death. Although, not all who die ascend. Many are condemned to an afterlife of unending servitude and loss. Gabrest, ruled by the three "Evil" gods.


This is the Material plane. All mortals and Neutral aligned deities occupy this plane. Not all who have passed leave this plane. There are some dead who still wander, victims from the wars during the The Dark Days.


Passed the Kulakuh mountain deep in the frozen taiga the Material plane becomes Gabrest, the plane of the dead. There is no joy or happiness here, only malicious glee. Vampires, demons, and other spirits reign supreme. Morker is a distant force, only recently has he broken free of his torpor and started to take an active role in governing. There are passes and caves in the mountains that some of the undead have been crossing into the land of the living.

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