History (Shekastkoré Supplement)

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Shekastkoré has a varied history. Though for the current supplement's sake there are 3 main times, The Utopia, the Dark Days, and The Struggle. For further clarification dates will be marked as BCA (Before the Coming of The Alchemist) and CA (the Coming of The Alchemist).

The Utopian Times[edit]

1000 BCA to 1 CA

Before the coming of the Alchemist, all the goodly races of the world had developed a system that worked. The entire land was fertile, and the future looked bright. The heads of each race and their subsequent clans would meet every full moon to discuss new rules and smooth over grievances. And this worked quite well for a thousand years. Until one day, a large explosion shook the land. When all the nations had set their scouts out to the site of the explosion, they discovered a young and slightly burnt Human at the center of almost a mile of damage. When the human had finally come to, he had no true recollection of whom he was or where he had come from. But something deep inside gnawed at him. The Elves and the Dwarves gave the task of watching over him to the gnomes, since they did not fully trust the nomadic Humans to take care of an outsider. Neither Dwarf nor Elf showed any desire to take in the Human. And so the gnomes showed The Alchemist their ability to manipulate the magics of the earth, hoping that the energies around them would jog his memory. Little did they know, that his memory would come back, and that they probably shouldn't have given him his memories back.

Over the course of 20 years the gnomes taught The Alchemist everything they knew. They took pride in his progress in the skills that they held so dear. He was very adept, and soon was leading projects for the gnomes. But the praise and adoration of the gnomes was not enough. The Alchemist soon had other plans. In the cover of night, as he laid out his plans for terrible machines. He began making trips to the Red Bellows mountain ranges and Kulakuh, meeting with the goblins. He had soon amassed all the goblins together, and began orchestrating raids into the other territories. Using the goblin raids, to unite the ravaged nomadic human tribes, he convinced them to join his cause as well. While this was going on, he began to recruit low level gnomes to his cause. One by one they joined him. Whispers spread like wildfire amongst them, as the silver tongued human weasled his way through the ranks. (More to Come)

The Dark Days[edit]

1 CA to 200 CA

The Struggle[edit]

200 CA to Now (1500 CA)

This will be a growing compendium of History as we discover new pieces of history throughout the course of game play and through suggestions of the players and myself.

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