Comfy Chair (5e Trap)

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Comfy Chair[edit]

Magic trap

It's best to place this trap in an otherwise safe, comfortable room. A den or parlor would be perfect. When describing this chair or chairs, you may or may not add a skeleton sitting in one of the chairs. The Comfy Chair is magically clean, fresh smelling, and brightly colored, no matter the surroundings. If a character sits in the chair, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw DC (18). On a success, the chair is very, VERY comfy! No further effect will be noted for that character, ever. If they fail the throw, the chair is very, VERY comfy! So comfy, they don't want to leave. They will not voluntarily leave the Comfy Chair for any reason whatsoever. If physically removed, they will fight to return. They won't necessarily turn on their party, but they will be jonesing for it like a tweaker with two days of clean time under his belt. Each day, after a Long Rest, the player may attempt another Saving Throw. If the character is sitting in the chair, they may go through all of their rations and begin to starve. Each level of Exhaustion reduces the DC of the Wisdom Saving Throw by 1 or 2, as the DM prefers. If you put a skeleton in the chair, know the character sat in the chair, happily, as he finished all of his rations, and started starving, slowly, and ultimately died, very happy to be sitting in the Comfy Chair.

(4 votes)

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