Cold Spot (Haunt) (5e Trap)

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Cold Spot[edit]

The temperature suddenly plummets below freezing. You can see cold from your breath. The area around you begins to ice over. It feels as if something, or watching you.

Targets: 30 ft radius.

Resets: Every 24 hours.

Religion or Arcane DC 14 Skill Check: Cold spots are echoes of spirits too weak to manifest as ghosts. They can occur alone or cluster around significant areas.

Effect: All creatures within the radius are affected as if they had been outside in cold weather for 1 hour, taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage unless they succeed at a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw. The cold temperature lingers for 10 minutes, but has no additional effect.


If any area of the Cold Spot is hit with fire from a divine caster, it never returns.

(one vote)

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