Classes (Sylfaen Supplement)

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The most common place to find artificers are the two magic academies in Daear: either the Magisterium, or the Imperial Academy of War Mages. Artificer found in those places are trained in the field of arcane-engineering. In Rethwin, elves call their artificers Shapers in their native language, and their creations are less mechanical and more organic.


In Sylfaen, members of this class are harder to pinpoint than usual. Barbarians are not an class in the socio-cultural sense of the world, but instead are an archetype of individual. Warriors with great physical strength, able to enter in a state of heightened power for short periods may appear amongst powerful orc warriors, in regular soldiers on a battlefield, amongst short-tempered nobles.

Thus, being a savage is not a requirement for a barbarian, being this class used to represent a fighter that either let himself guide more by instinct than by formal training; or to represent warriors able to enter in a state of trance or extreme focus during a fight.


Druids are almost non existent in any place on the world outside Rethwin, and this form of magic seem to be intrinsically connected to the forest of the rethwinian continent. The exceptions seem to be some very remote locations, usually with extra-planar influence, such as the Witch Woods and the Northern Wastes.


Knights, mercenaries and combatants in general, fighters are amongst the most common playable class in these times of war on Sylfaen, alongside with rogues, and any type of civilization or race have them in a form or another. Below are described the subclasses of note, that are somewhat restricted by location or race:

Arcane Archer

Arcane archers are generally humans, trained by War Mages to serve the tyrian army. Although they have "Archer" on their name, they can use their powers with bows or crossbows.


Almost exclusive to Tyr, cavaliers are the shock troops and the cornerstone of the non-magical branch in the imperial army.

Eldritch Knight

Eldritch knights are of the utmost importance within the Tyrian Empire, as they serve as the personal guard of the emperor, under the title of "Imperial Paladins". They were originally trained by the magisterium in the arcane arts, but nowadays the warmages have the monopoly in the creation of said knights.

Rune Knight

Rune knights are a subclass exclusive to dwarves, to the tribesman in the north and to those with giant blood on their veins.


Sorcerers come in many flavors and types in the world of sylfaen, generally being born from particularly magical environments. They are often called "Spelltouched" or "Spell Scorched". Kids born in areas of strong magical presence will have a high likelihood to be born with the potential for sorcery, and some even bring pregnant women to those areas, in order to "bless" their kids with said power.

Educated Sorcerers

Kids with that potential will be often taken by the Magisterium, in order to be trained within the citadel. Sorcerers trained by the magisterium will learn spells as a wizard would and will have a grimoire, rather than a given number of spells known, but their spell selection is still limited to the sorcerer's spell list. Also, Intelligence is their spellcasting ability.


Wizards are the most important class in Daear, and one of the most important in all Sylfaen. The use of magic in large scale was enabled by the creation of the Magisterium, who removed the veil of mysticism that previously stopped most people from learning magic. With the Magisterium, spellcasting became an area of academic research and study, and could be mastered by anyone dedicated enough to the craft, instead of being the monopoly of a religious upper class. Magic users becoming more common prove to be a defining advantage to the armies of Tyr in their wars of conquest and was the critical reason for the consolidation of the empire. For this reason, wizards are extremely respected and feared in all Daear.

Wizards in Daear come mostly from two places: The Magisterium, a mix between boarding school and university for the teaching of wizardry; and the Superior War Academy, a military school where the feared war mages are trained.

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