Classes (Cantalthis Supplement)
Adventurers have different backgrounds and races, but they also have different classes, skill sets for combat and traversal that allow them to go above and beyond what a normal person could ever hope to accomplish. This chapter will be looking over the roles that each class has and expand on the archetypes of those classes available to players within the setting. This chapter will also describe additional classes not from the player’s handbook. Some classes can only be used for specific campaigns, ask your DM if the class is available to use.
Non-Faction Classes[edit]
These are blank classes, they offer no predetirmined affiliation with any faction in the Cantalthis setting.
Melee/Non-Caster Classes[edit]
Barbarian: Fighters who use rage and madness to win combat.
Fighter: Brawlers who use swords, axes, fists, and more to win battles.
Gunslinger: A fighter who specializes in marksmanship with guns.
Martial Artist: A fighter who forgoes spirituality for complete devotion to the art of fighting.
Nomad: Common people traveling, looking for adventure.
Warlord: Fighters that can command and lead their armies to conquest and victory.
Half/Full Casting Classes[edit]
Artificer: Magical engineers who make their machines with magical influence.
Bard: Entertainers who can dismantle people with only their voice.
Beast Twin: People who have a near symbiotic bond with their animal, becoming nearly inseparable.
Druid: Mortals in tune with nature that can turn into animals to go about their will.
Monk: Fighters that use their internal magic to brawl.
Paladin: Divine soldiers that crusade and battle in their god’s honor.
Ranger: Hunters who study beasts and their lands for advantages.
Faction Classes[edit]
These classes predetirmine you as having some allegiance to a faction, through profession, upbringing, and/or training.
Small Faction Classes[edit]
Blood Hunter: Mortals infused with dark power who hunt and kill monsters and aberrations.
Confederacy of Arcanic Institutions Classes[edit]
Anti-Mage: People who have undergone extensive magical rituals to absorb magic and fuel their muscles with it.
Cleric: Religious priests who can heal the party and pray on their enemy's downfall.
Necromancer: For those where the wizard subclass isn’t enough, raise undead hordes with this class.
Sorcerer: Magic casters born with blood that gives them innate magic prowess.
Warlock: Magic casters that make a pact with a being that gives them magic power… for a price.
Wizard: Magic casters who obtained their magical skill from years of studying and dedication.
Chromatic Classes[edit]
Drafter: People blessed by Austere with the ability to transmute colors into a physical substance.
Crime Syndicate Classes[edit]
Ferrin: The magic of the ancient keepers who stored their physical traits in metal, releasing them later tenfold.
Mistborn: People who can ingest metal and “burn” it to gain abilities such as shooting coins like bullets or rioting the emotions of armies.
Rogue: The class of stealthy assassins and thieves.