Class Skill Mastery (5e Feat)

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Progressional Skill Mastery

Prerequisites: Current access to the mentioned skills(ie if you are not at the lvl required to have access to mentioned skills, or have said skills you cannot take this feat until you are). The skills are; any skills that have stage like limitations etc. Example: at lvl 3 you can dominate monsters at certain cr lvls according to class/skill table, [normal= access up to stage 1, greater access up to stage 2, superior access up to stage 3]

[stage 1- you have limited access to all allowed with in your lvl at this stage, stage 2- you have partial access to all allowed in your lvl at this stage, stage 3- you have full access to all allowed in your lvl at this stage].
Starting at Ivl 4(feat activated lvl), permanently move limitations of the feats activated lvl and up, up one level.

Example: if lvl 5 normal is CR1, greater is CR2, Superior is CR3, and lvl 6 being the same CR levels as lvl 5, while lvl 7 is CR4, CR5, and CR6, so on and so forth with all Ivls up to 20. Then both lvls 5 & 6 will move up to, normal is CR2, greater is CR3, and Superior is CR4, while lvl 7's will move to, CR5, CR6, and CR7. This will happen to the entire table to the max level, each time this happens.

To make this clear, this feat can be used for any class/added feats that have these kind of limitations. It doesn't restrict only to classes/added feats that dominate monsters, or this limitation type, these are just examples, it affects any and all class features/added feats that have lvl increasing limitations. It will not affect any feature that has a one time limitation or one that says this will happen again at these lvls, ie limitations that don't increase within its class parameters in the way said above, or limitations from external feats that doesn't add these types of lvl increasing limitations to the character. It has to have a somewhat of a consistent limit increase throughout the lvls.

This will happen again at lvl 11 (feat activated lvl) & lvl 17(feat activated lvl), for a max of 3 limitation increases.

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