Chemistry (5e Variant Rule)

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Arcane Chemistry[edit]

  • Arcane Chemistry is the art of brewing potions, bombs and poisons for usage in combat and outside of combat. Arcane Chemistry is an Alternative to magic and is especially useful for Rangers, Paladins, Eldritch Knights, Arcane Tricksters and any other quarter or half casters.
  • An Chemist can craft a number of potions, grenades and poisons equal to their total level but they cannot have more potions, grenades, or poisons of a specific type above their proficiency bonus.
  • The Chemist's Grenades have a spell DC= 8 + Proficiency modifier + Intelligence or Wisdom Modifier.
  • The Chemist's Poison Oils can magically change damage types to whatever a monster is vulnerable to or at least not resistant to during combat.
Chemist's Potions
Name Effect Greater (lvl 7+) Grand (Lvl 14+) Ingredients
Corrosive Blood Any blood drinking or flesh eating creatures take 2d6 acid damage instead of healing health after every attack that would drain health and this effect lasts for 1 minute The Same but deals 3d6 acid damage the same but deals 4d6 acid damage Strong Whiskey+ Undead Blood/Flesh +Strong Vinegar
Healing Tonic The Chemist consumes the potion and heals 2d4+Con health same but 3d4+con health same but 4d4+con health Honey + Fruit + Healing Herbs
Dark Vision Dark Vision 120 feet for 1 minute Same but 30 minutes Same but 2 hours Absinthe + Hallucinogenic mushrooms + Sage
Rejuvenation heal each round equal to players constitution modifier for 1 minute Same but Constitution modifier plus proficiency modifier Same but Con+Prof+4 hp a round Yogurt + Fish liver oil + Aloe Vera
Invisibility Same effect as spell, lasts for 1d4+1 rounds or when dispelled Same effect as spell and lasts for 1 minute Same effect as Greater Invisibility and lasts for 1 minute Powdered Jellyfish + Absinthe + Hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Amphibious Potion Able to breathe in water for 30 minutes same but 1 hour same but 2 hours Wine + Fish Liver Oil + Sea Weed
Stamina Potion Recovers 2 stamina a round same but 4 stamina same but 6 stamina Berries + Vegetables + Honey
Energy Resistance Resistance to one energy type for 1 minute Same but 2 energy types Same but 3 energy types or Immunity Example
Neutralizing Potion purges poisoned status or one diseases same but poison resistance same but poison immunity Fruit Juice + Charcoal powder + Clay
Resurrection Potion Same as Raise Dead but potion takes 10 minutes same but player receives 25 health Same but player receives 50 health Powder Bone + Adrenaline + Wine
False Death (Faux Morte) Character enters a deep death like trance for 1d4+2 hours same but 1 day same but 1d4+2 days Death Cap + Puffer Fish + Black Lotus
Truth Potion Compels the consumer to be charmed to those nearby and tell the truth for 1 hour same but 1d4+2 hours same but one day Black Lotus + Hallucinogenic Mushrooms + Absinthe
Chemistry Bombs
Name Effect Greater (lvl 7) Grand (lvl 14) Ingredients
Naffatun Fire Bomb (Dexterity Save) deals 3d6 damage in a 15 foot radius circle same but 4d6 fire damage same but 6d6 fire damage Tar + Sulfure + Salt Peter
Poison Smoke bomb (Constitution Save) deals 1d4 Poison damage a round for 1d4+1 rounds in 15 foot radius, poisoned effect same but 2d4 poison damage same but 3d4 poison damage Lye + black powder + Tar
Radiant Bomb (Dexterity Save) deals 2d6 radiant damage and can blind targets same but 3d6 same but 4d6 Prismatic crystal + black powder + Powdered Quartz
Deafening Bomb (Constitution Save) deals 2d6 thunder damage and can deafen targets same but 3d6 same but 4d6 Small bells + Black Powder + vinegar battery
Ice Blast Bomb (Strength Save) deals 2d6 cold damage in 15 foot radius and enemies are grappled same but 3d6 cold damage Same but 4d6 cold damage and paralyzed on fail, grappled on success. Example
Lunar dust Bomb (Charisma Save) deals 2d6 psychic and does the same effect as faerie fire same but 3d6 same but 4d6 Silver + Black Powder + Crystal darts
Nullification Bomb same effect as antimagic zone but for 1 round same but 2 rounds same but 1d4+1 rounds Adamantium shavings + Black Powder + Aberration Blood
Sleeping Bomb (Wisdom save) in 15 foot radius circle makes targets fall asleep for 2 rounds same but 3 rounds same but 4 rounds Black Lotus + Black Powder + Ether.

Poisonous Oils
Name Effect Greater (lvl 7+) Grand (lvl 14+) Ingredients
Aberration Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Aberration. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Aberration Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Beast Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Beast. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Beast Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Celestial Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Celestial. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Celestial Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Draconic Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is (vulnerable/not resistant to) to and deals double damage if the target is an Dragon. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Dragon Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Construct Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Fire/Acid or Thunder damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Construct. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Construct Material + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Mushroom oil
Elemental Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Fire/Cold or Thunder damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Elemental. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Elemental material + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Mushroom oil
Fey Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Fey. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Fey Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Fiendish Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Cold/Thunder or Radiant damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Fiends. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Fiend Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Giant Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Giants. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Giant Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Humanoid Poison This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Humanoid. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Humanoid Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Monstrosity Oil This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 poison/acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Monstrosity. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Monstrosity Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Oozes Oil This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Thunder/Lightning or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Ooze. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Ooze material + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
Plants Oil This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Fire/Acid or necrotic damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Plant. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Plant material + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous mushroom oil
Undead Oil This poison oil is coated to a weapon and deals 1d6 Radiant/Acid or Fire damage per hit or it will magically change to the type of damage the monster is vulnerable to and deals double damage if the target is an Undead. this poison coats a weapon for 1 minute. Same but 2d6 damage Same but 3d6 damage Undead Blood + Strong Alcohol + Poisonous Herbal oil
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