In Corebound Awakening, your character can master a variety of magic techniques, from city destroying spells to physical enhancement strong enough to lift mountains.
Differences from 5e[edit]
Ability scores[edit]
The differences of 5e Ability scores and this homebrews:
- The starting AS(Ability Scores) are decided by your race.
- The natural max of your AS is increased from 20 to 30(can go beyond from items, feats and/or spells).
- All AS counts as bodily for the sake of the innerworkings of Half-breeds and Exotic half-breeds.
The differences of 5e Spells and this homebrews:
- Spells are not set and all can create their own the same effect of one spell can be achieved in a hundred and one ways!
- They are not divide by level but by complexity(you can have a weak spell be complex and a strong one be simple).
- You are soft locked from using complex spells by ability checks not level(so if you can make the check you can summon an army of magma golems while you're still in the Dark Red Stage).
The differences of 5e Levels and this homebrews:
- Levels are replaced by core purity.
- Core purity is divided in six colors: black, red, orange, yellow, silver, and white and additionally separated in stages Dark, Solid, Light.
- The difference between the two archetypes is less and less apparent the closer you get to the White Mana Core(archetypes are the path you take to the master of magic).
Hit Points[edit]
The differences of 5e Hit Points and this homebrews:
- The HP is divided in (Surface Hit Points)SHP and (Deep Hit Points)DHP.
- DHP is what you would say your HP it can not be restored by rest it needs medical attention or healed by a spell.
- SHP is not exactly health, it is more akin to points that you exchange to avoid hits at the last second.
Experience Points[edit]
The differences of 5e Experience Points and this homebrews:
- XP is not just for your Class(Archetype).
- You spend XP to upgrade all aspects of your self(Mana, Stats, Skills, Abilities, Saves and Features).
Character Creation Guide[edit]
This is a simple guide for how to create your character:
- First you choose your race and archetype, this give you your limitations (which elements can you use, stats and close attacks or ranged attacks).
- Then you choose lineage[1], background[2], occupation[3] and feat/feats[4].
- Lineage is your family adaptations like say you have a family lineage that has had several strong fire users you get benefits to fire element and increases the chance to have the fire element over the others elements.
- Background is your story, your resources and your skills.
- Occupation is your job, it determines how much money you get a day and what skill and stats you upgrade.
- Feat if you get from your lineage, background, occupation or the DM give you one is a bonus to your abilities or a new ability.
- After all that you get you equipment, spells and element/elements.
- There are 3 ways to get these:
- Preset's of equipment, choice spells from a list and element/elements by chance modified by your lineage.
- Picking and choosing equipment, spells and elements (to what your DM allows you).
- And presets by your DM equipment, spells and elements.
This world has magic is in abundance even the dumbest peasant can use magic and so all use it. But not all are born equal some are born with strong mana channels and some with strong mana veins, that determines what path they take to the mastery of magic!
- The mages with strong mana channels, the head strong that charge in battle with their augmented fists.
- The mages with strong mana veins, they take their time and prepare a strong spell to erase all that is on the battle field.
- The masters of the forge.
- Well, we know where dragonborn come from!