Chaos Mutation/Gifts of the Dark Gods (5e Variant Rule)

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Chaos Mutations[edit]

Service to the dark gods

Since the dawn of humanity people have always chased power in any possible way, by any means, some avenues of power present themselves more easily than others. The dark powers are a pantheon of four gods who choose mortal champions and bestow blessings and gifts upon them.

Characters whom have pledged themselves to the dark powers may roll 3 times on the table rerolling on a 1 or 100

Chaos Mutations[edit]
% (d100) Result
1 (Chaos Surge) The gods hate you and have chosen to turn you into a Chaos Spawn.
2 (Addiction)

Exposure to the raw stuff of Chaos twists and alters the character’s brain chemistry to such an extent that he develops an all-consuming addiction to one particular substance. The object of the addiction can be almost anything, from the last thing he ate to something he has never even heard of, so fickle are the effects of the warp. The GM should choose a substance for the character to be addicted to (the more bizarre the better!). During any Encounter in which the character does not feed his addiction he suffers –10 to all Skill Checks until he does so. With the GM’s consent, the addiction can be slaked before the Encounter begins, but this should not be abused.

3 (Additional Limb)

The growth of additional limbs is common amongst those who seek to wield the power of Chaos as a weapon, and such a gift allows the character to fight more effectively and carry more weapons. Some notable renegades receive the gift several times over, taking on the appearance of some multi-armed or many-legged spider god able to wield a small arsenal of guns or use their limbs to climb otherwise unscalable heights. The character gains an additional limb He may choose what type it is and whether it has a hand, claw, or other appendage attached. Roll a d4 unless dedicated to said god.

Khorne: The limb is bristling with bony spikes. Any unarmed attacks made using the limb deal 2d8 piercing damage.

Slaanesh: The limb is unnaturally lithe and dextrous. Any unarmed attacks made using the limb deal 1d10 slashing damage and has finesse. you gain +5 to movement speed.

Nurgle: The limb oozes necrotic slime and terminates in a drooling orifice. Any unarmed attacks made with the limb deals 1d8 poison damage. on hit the target must make a Con save DC (8 + con mod + prof bonus) or be poisoned until the end of their next turn

Tzeentch: The limb writhes and darts in an unpredictable manner, at the end of your turn you may make a free attack action which deal 1d10 force damage. spells cast through this limb can be cast as a bonus action.

4 (Bestial) While the character does not completely mutate into a beast, he adopts the physical appearances and mannerisms of a certain type of animal. Unfortunately, while he is still capable of intelligent thought, his bestial mannerisms make it more difficult.
5 (Blood Substitution) Something other than blood pumps through the character’s veins, though the exact substance is dependent upon his own character or that of his patron. Ordinarily, the exact nature of the blood

substitution has little relevance and may even be unknown to the character until he is wounded. When that happens, the warptinged fluid spews forth, forming a weapon in its own right. Should the character ever take damage, the attacker immediately takes 1d10 Damage.

Khorne: Lava courses through the character’s veins. The Damage described above is fire damage.

Slaanesh: The substance in the character’s veins is highly corrosive. The Damage described above is acid damage.

Nurgle: Ravening maggots spill from the wound. The Damage described above is poison damage.

Tzeentch: Upon being wounded, the character’s body emits a wave of warp energy. The Damage described above is force damage.

6 (Gift of Slaanesh) Roll on the gifts of slaanesh table
7 (Gift of Nurgle) Roll on the gifts of nurgle table
8 (Gift of Khorne) Roll on the gifts of khorne table
9 (Gift of Tzeentch) Roll on the gifts of tzeentch table
10 (Gift of the Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
11 (Animal Hybrid) The character’s body is fused with that of a beast, creating a bizarre hybrid combining the most lethal qualities of both. Far more than a cosmetic mutation, the character’s very essence takes on something of that of the animal it merges with, altering his thought patterns to something other than a human’s. However, his abilities to think and reason are largely unaffected, unlike those unfortunates who suffer the Bestial Gift. Unless the character is dedicated to a Chaos Power, roll a 1d4 to determine what type of animal the character fuses with. The character should be played in such a manner as to play up the characteristics of the creature, and the GM should award additional Experience Points to reflect this.

Khorne: The character takes on the characteristics of a feral bull, his face elongating to accommodate great horns and his skin growing a leathery texture.

Slaanesh: The character’s features become disturbingly snakelike, his tongue becomes long and sinuous, and his skin becomes smooth and hard.

Nurgle: The character’s features begin to resemble those of a slug, his mouth becomes lamprey-like, and his skin oozes foul slime.

Tzeentch: The character’s body becomes bird-like, his legs becoming back-jointed while his jaw and nose fuse and stretch to become a sharp beak.

12 (Cancerous Regeneration) you gain the ability to regenerate limbs and organs at the end of a short rest but they come back as either unfinished in some way or covered in growths.
13 (Warped Senses) the warp has heightened one of your senses you gain advantage on checks made with this one sense
14 (Blessed Fit) the gods have deemed you eternally dripped your fit will forever be fantastic, whenever you don any sort of clothing or armor it will change to fit your desires and have trappings to match your chosen god.
15 (Steel Hearted) Some have seen into the depths of the warp and, know how trivial the concerns of mortals truly are. The character’s heart is steeled to the terrors of the material universe, and only what lies beyond it concerns him. The character is now immune to the fear and frightened conditions.
16 (Winged) The Ruinous Power hear the character’s pleas for aid and bestow upon him a pair of mighty pinions with which he is able to soar through the air and visit death from above upon the heads of his enemies. The character gains a fly speed equal to his move speed.

Khorne: The character’s wings are black and bat-like.

Slaanesh: Gossamer-thin pinions sprout from the character’s back.

Nurgle: The character’s wings are those of an overgrown fly.

Tzeentch: The wings are feathered, like those of a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch.

17 (Breathless) the gods have deemed your lungs useless you no longer need to breathe.
18 (Burning Body) The character’s body is wreathed in empyreal flames. While his own body is unaffected, others who approach too close may be burned or consumed entirely. The character’s body is constantly aflame and may damage his surroundings, betray his presence, and the like, as determined by the GM. In addition, any enemy landing a blow on him with their bare hands or attempting to grapple immediately take 1d10 fire Damage. In addition, the character always counts as a 30ft source of light.

Khorne: The flames in which the character is wreathed are those of Khorne’s forges. They inflict 2d10 fire Damage but make it all but impossible for the character to hide in any way (as is appropriate for a champion of the Lord of Battles!).

Slaanesh: Slaanesh has gifted the character with a wreath of invisible flames. They will not betray the character’s presence, and unless an enemy is forewarned or has a special ability, he will not know of them until it is too late. In addition, the flames no longer count as a light source.

Nurgle: Corpse-gas flames release a choking scent. Instead of their normal effects, all living creatures in melee with the Heretic must pass a Con save DC (8+con mod+prof bonus) or take 1d8 constitution Damage.

Tzeentch: Writhing multi-hued flames scar the soul as well as the body. In addition to the regular effects, enemies who take Damage from this ability also receive 1 damage to their wisdom score.

19 (Chaos Organ) This gift confers upon the character an organ or appendage normally only found attached to a daemon of one of the Ruinous Powers. Such a gift is sure to be regarded with awe by other mortals, who will regard it as a sure sign of the character’s favour in the eyes of his otherworldly patrons. The character gains some aspect of one of the many daemons of Chaos. This could take the form of unnatural eyes burning with daemonic fire, long grasping talons replacing hands, cloven hooves, or other, more insidious mutations. He and the GM then determine what daemonic organ contributed this Trait—a Bloodletter’s eyes, a Flesh Hound’s nose, the rending claws of a Horror, or something altogether stranger.

Khorne: The character sprouts a set of horns resembling those of a Bloodletter. The horns count as a natural weapon and deal 2d6 piercing damage additionally you may make a free attack action if you used your dash action to be within 5ft of a hostile creature.

Slaanesh: One of the character’s hands (player determined) is replaced by the razor-sharp crab claw of a Daemonette. The claw deals 4d4 slashing damage and has the finesse property. However, the Heretic may not hold or wield anything in that hand.

Nurgle: The character’s belly swells with fetid corpse gas, his entrails pushing horribly through the distended rupture. The character gains regeneration rate +1 at the start of their turn.

Tzeentch: The character gains an additional arm, topped with a distended claw like those of a Horror of Tzeentch. The character gains the Multiple Limbs Trait, with the exception that this additional limb can melt into his body and vanish or reappear at the Heretic’s whim.

20 (Gift of the Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
21 (Cyclops) The character has been cursed by the fi ckle will of Chaos. In return for one of his eyes, he is given the ability to see something of the future. Unfortunately, the only part of the future he is able to see is his own death, and he turns maudlin or enraged as he dwells upon his doom and seeks to plot how it might be avoided. One of the character’s eyes seals over or turns into a gaping socket. The character counts as having madness.
22 (Darksoul) The character radiates the power of the warp and his soul glows darkly with the blessings of the Ruinous Powers. His eyes flicker with the lambent energies of the warp and the air chills with his passing. The character can cause the frightened condition

Khorne: Enemy warriors know that they are facing a champion of the Lord of Battles himself, and tremble in fear. Enemy warriors (Imperial Guardsmen, planetary defence force troops, Space Marines, etc.) count as having disadvantage on the save.

Slaanesh: The character strikes especial terror into the hearts of those who worship the False Emperor of Mankind, for they know that no extreme of sacrilege is beyond him. Enemies such as Adepta Sororitas, Inquisitors, and members of non-chaos aligned religions have disadvantage on the save.

Nurgle: The character is especially horrifying to those who consider themselves lost or abandoned. When facing renegades, lost colonists, or anyone else beyond civilization's boundaries, have disadvantage on the save.

Tzeentch: Enemy psykers find the character especially disturbing, instinctively knowing that they are in the presence of a servant of the Architect of Fate. Enemies with psychic/magic powers have disadvantage on the save.

23 (Dimensional Instability) The character’s connection to the physical realm begins to slip, his consciousness segueing between real space and the Realm of Chaos. At times, he appears to fade away entirely as he walks the otherworld of daemons and fell gods. Once per short rest, the character may choose to become incorporeal for 1 minute.

Khorne: So raw is the character’s hatred that he can strike his foes from beyond the veil of reality. he may make melee attacks while Incorporeal.

Slaanesh: The servants of Slaanesh sometimes utilize this state to invade the dreams and nightmares of their enemies, whispering subtle lies at the edge of consciousness, or else they assume ethereally beguiling forms to bewitch their foes. he gains advantage on charisma checks while Incorporeal.

Nurgle: he regenerates his con mod + prof bonus + level hp while Incorporeal.

Tzeentch: they can cast spells while Incorporeal.

24 (Skin of the Gods) Your body takes upon more of the appearance of your aligned god's chosen

Khorne: Your skin turns red

Slaanesh: Your skin turns pink

Nurgle: Your skin turns green

Tzeentch: Your skin randomly changes hue depending on your emotions.

25 (Eye of Chaos) If the eyes are the window to the soul, then what gazes out from behind the character’s gaze is something far from mortal. His fell gaze is imbued with the weirdling light of the empyrean, and to fall under it is to have one’s soul desiccated as if looking into the warp itself. The character gains the Arcana Skill or, if he already

possesses the Skill, gain expertise.

Khorne: The rage of the Blood God himself radiates from the champion’s eyes. The character gains the Intimidation Skill or, if he already possesses the Skill, gain expertise.

Slaanesh: The character sees into the soul of his victim, recognizing lies and deceit. The character gains the Persuasion Skill, or, if he already possesses the Skill, gain expertise.

Nurgle: Nurgle promises deliverance from pain and suffering. The character gains the Medicine Skill, or, if he already possesses the Skill, gain expertise.

Tzeentch: The character’s eyes shine with the multihued gaze of the Lord of Lies. The character gains the Deception Skill, or, if he already possesses the Skill, gain expertise.

26 (Orbital Limbs) One of your limbs pops off your body and is no longer attached to the joint yet still under your control, if it's your hand or arm you can command it like mage hand except it can make attacks and can carry your lift limit. if it's your leg than the torso can float about 15ft away from the limb.
27 (Centauroid) The character’s entire lower body has been replaced with that of a hoofed quadruped, creating a bizarre, centauroid form. In many cases the beast in question is entirely random and may be drawn from some alien world never before witnessed by man. In other cases, the creature is one that strikes terror into the hearts of all who face it, or that grants some special ability drawn from its very nature. The character becomes one size larger, and his body from the waist down is replaced by that of an animal.

Khorne: The animal half you fuse with is that of an apex predator, has skin as hard as brass, granting him an additional +2 AC to attacks that strike his legs.

Slaanesh: The animal half you fuse with is a snake, granting him +10 to all Acrobatics Skill Checks.

Nurgle: The animal half you fuse with is that of either a swamp dwelling creature or an insect of some sort, The skin of the animal’s body oozes with necrotic slime, increasing his movement by +20.

Tzeentch: The animal half you fuse with is that of either a bird or some form of cephalopod, granting the character a climbing and swim speed equal to your move speed.

28 (Twisted Face) Your face becomes twisted the energies of the warp, you might've grown a second nose or a second pair of eyes mayhaps the skin of your face has fully fallen off.
29 (Illusion of Normalcy) Perhaps the most bizarre of all Gifts of the Gods is that which lends the recipient the outward appearance of complete normality when he is, in fact, a seething mass of mutation and corruption. To most, the character appears to have the unaltered

form he was born with, while to those touched by the warp the truth is more likely to be visible, and truly horrific. The character is perceived by most as a completely average person, regardless of how many mutations he has, what weapons he is carrying, or even if he is a Chaos Space Marine. This gift is more than a quirk, it is an active power, and as such it may be detected by enemies using the detect magic spell.

Khorne: The character’s enemies are always Surprised when he attacks.

Slaanesh: The character gains +10 to all Deception Skill Tests.

Nurgle: The character’s range of Nurgle’s Rot (the mutation) is now 2 x his Proficiency Bonus.

Tzeentch: He cannot be detected by the detect magic spell.

30 (Gift of the gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
31 (Flaming Skull) The champion’s skin is seared away by unnatural flames that may never be extinguished. The character gains Frightful Presence DC (8+chosen ability mod+Prof Bonus). His Charisma is reduced by 1d4, to a minimum of 12. This may also cause additional disorders depending on the character’s temperament and personality.
32 (Ephemera) Your footprints leave behind a supernatural mark of some sort like lava or a slime trail.
33 (Icon of Blasphemy) The character embodies all that is blasphemous to those who blindly worship the False Emperor of Mankind. His blasphemies take many forms, from iconoclastic scripts tattooed upon his skin to a mocking resemblance to a figure such as an Imperial Saint. Some are capable of channelling their very essence into their blasphemies, and these are truly a scourge on the weakling Imperium of Man. Once per short rest, the character may unveil or unleash his blasphemy upon his foe. For one round, he can use the Frightful Presence action.
34 (Infernal Will) The needs and desires of the mortal realm hold no power over the character, and his drives and passions are entirely those of the warp. He is motivated by the will of the empyrean, and his deeds make little sense to mere mortals. The character is entirely immune to the effects of Fear and Frightened. Should the character fail a Skill Test associated to their god by four or more, however, he must immediately take an action following his god.

Khorne: If the Skill Test was Strength based, the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. if they still fail, they become enraged and attack the nearest target available

Slaanesh: If the Skill Test was Charisma based, the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. If they still fail, they will try to charm the nearest creature.

Nurgle: If the Skill Test was Constitution based, the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. he may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. should they still fail they violently shit themselves.

Tzeentch: If the Skill Test was Intelligence based, the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Proficiency Bonus. should they still fail they will

35 (Disconnected Organs) Your organs no longer need to be inside you to keep your body running as long as their unharmed you can keep going even from the toughest of wounds.
36 (Intelligent Cyst) A new, cyst-like organ grows inside the character’s body, developing a mind and will of its own. Periodically, the cyst attempts to gain control of the character’s body and, when it does so, it pursues its own ends, which may be entirely different from those of the character.
37 (Magnificent Horns) The character is blessed with an impressive set of horns, which serve as both weapons and status symbols amongst the ranks of the lost and the damned.
38 (Twisted Limb) one of your limbs twist and warp in some way such as losing all its skin, changing color separately from your base skin tone, growing spines or feathers something akin to that.
39 (Warp Eater) Physical sustenance tastes as ashes to the character and, instead of imbibing normal food and drink, he must derive nourishment from the infinite fount of the warp. Doing so carries certain risks, however. The character need never eat or drink, and so may survive for

extended periods while others wither away and die. However, once per month he must take a DC 15 Con save. If he fails, he takes 4d6 constitution damage.

Khorne: Followers of Khorne may assuage their warp hunger by slaying the foes of the Blood God. For every foe slain throughout the month, the character gains a +5 bonus to the save.

Slaanesh: Those who serve the Dark Prince of Chaos may slake their thirst through acts of blasphemy and excess. For every such deed committed, the character gains a +10 bonus to the save.

Nurgle: By gifting mortals with the delights of Nurgle, the character may keep his hunger at bay. For every victim he infects with disease, or kills with an attack with poison or acid damage, the character gains a +5 bonus to the save.

Tzeentch: To the followers of the Great Schemer, lies and deceit are more delicious than the fi nest wine. For every lie of consequence told to further one’s own goals, the character gains a +10 bonus to save.

40 (Gift of The Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
41 (Warped Appearance) The character’s appearance mutates and changes with the Immaterium’s touch, making him utterly unmistakable. The player and GM should work together to determine some way the character’s appearance has warped, whether it be skin stained with colored blotches, purple hair, black veins running beneath the skin, or something even more hideous. Whatever the cosmetic affect, the character suffers disadvantage to any rolls made to disguise himself or cover up his appearance.
42 (Mechanoid) The recipient’s body is fused with the machine, his bone replaced with metal and his muscles with pistons. His psyche is absorbed into the new form, until nothing of the biological remains at all. The resultant machine is the ultimate blasphemy to the Tech-Priests of Mars, and an object of adoration to the Dark Mechanicus. Its function obeys no laws of the machine and its internal workings are anathema to logic and reason. The character gains the Construct creature type.

Khorne: The character’s skin is gleaming bronze, granting him +3 AC.

Slaanesh: The character’s muscles are replaced with an impossibly fine mesh of micro actuators, granting him +5 to Initiative.

Nurgle: The character’s already-formidable frame is fortified still further by an array of mechanical calipers, granting him the Powerful Build Trait.

Tzeentch: The character’s senses are enhanced by a complex web of machine receptors, granting him +10 to all perception Tests.

43 (Nerveless Ennui) The character is incapable of feeling physical stimuli, caring for neither the kiss of lips nor the caress of the blade. The character’s physical senses are so dulled that he feels little in the way of pain. The character ignores the penalty when suffering Exhaustion. However, any Perception rolls based on sensing by touch are at disadvantage.

Khorne: Whenever the character suffers Damage reduce the amount by his Proficiency Bonus (to a minimum of 1).

Slaanesh: The character may reroll any failed attempts to resist the effects of torture or seduction based on the application of physical stimuli.

Nurgle: The character’s resistance is heightened even more. He must suffer a number of levels of exhaustion equal to 2 + his Con Mod before he is knocked unconscious. they cannot die due to exhaustion.

Tzeentch: While the character’s physical senses are dulled, his supernatural ones are greatly heightened. He adds +10 to the result of all Arcana rolls.

44 (Pervasive Miasma) A drastic imbalance in the character’s humours brought about by prolonged exposure to the baleful energies of the warp causes him to be surrounded by the creeping, noxious stench of brimstone and corruption. the character has disadvantage on stealth rolls against holy or divine beings and clergymen.
45 (Projectile Attack) The character is gifted with the ability to summon forth a stream of unreal matter brewed from the raw stuff of Chaos. The stream is generally projected from the recipient’s mouth, and the exact nature this matter assumes upon leaving the character’s body varies enormously. The character may make a ranged attack as part of their attack action where it can either be a 15ft cone attack DC (8+ Chosen modifier+Prof bonus) that deals 4d8+chosen modifier damage or a single target attack with a range of 30/90

Khorne: The matter forms a sheet of raging fire. The attack deals fire damage. the next melee attack you make after the ranged attack gains advantage

Slaanesh: The stream of matter twists and writhes as incorporeal limbs entwine the victim. The attack deals electric damage. creatures in the breath must make a Con Save dc equal to the attack save or become stunned until the end of their next turn.

Nurgle: The nature of the substance spewing forth from the character’s innards is best left unsaid. The attack deals acid damage. creatures in the breath must make a Con Save dc equal to the attack save or become poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Tzeentch: The character vomits the raw stuff of the warp itself. The attack deals force damage. The attack counts as magical when dealing with resistances and immunities

46 (Satyrized) The character’s entire lower body has been replaced with that of a hoofed biped, creating a bizarre, satyr form. In many cases the beast in question is entirely random, and may be drawn from some alien world never before witnessed by man. In other cases, the creature is one that strikes terror into the hearts of all who face it, or that grants some special ability drawn from its very nature. The character gains +10 movement speed, and his body from the waist down is replaced by that of an animal determined by either the GM or the player.
47 (Slayer Limb) One of the character’s limbs fuses with a weapon, either one he already owns or a new weapon granted as part of the gift. The limb becomes a twisted mass of metal and flesh, mechanisms and muscles flowing together while blood vessels and ammunition feeds become as one. Any trigger mechanism the character had before is bypassed and it operates with but a thought. The character’s metabolism hybridizes with the working of the weapon, and the two become as one, such that it can even derive power or ammunition from his body. The player must choose one weapon carried by his character to become fused with his body. The weapon conjoins with a single limb of the player’s choice, replacing it from the elbow (or equivalent joint) down (and therefore replacing any hands). The weapon may be of any type, and henceforth never requires reloading or any other type of maintenance. If the character is Aligned to a God, his weapon may gain additional Qualities if it does not already have them.

Khorne: The weapon deals an additional d10 fire damage.

Slaanesh: The weapon deals an additional d10 sonic damage.

Nurgle: The weapon deals an additional d10 acid damage.

Tzeentch: The weapon deals an additional d10 force damage.

48 (Strange Voice) The character’s vocal cords are twisted and distorted as Chaos ebbs and flows through his body. A lucky few find their voices have become deep and resounding, while the less fortunate are left sounding like a Grot with cranial distemper or merely incomprehensible. More likely, a character may find that his voice fluctuates depending on the situation.
49 (Presence Theft) The character finds that people can no longer remember them for long periods of time or just seems to ignore them entirely. it seems that the character doesn't have any presence. they suffer disadvantage on checks regarding reputation. gain advantage on stealth rolls and advantage on rolls when your identity comes to question.
50 (Gift of The Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
51 (Strange Walk) Any number of afflictions could result in the character suffering from a strange walk—from a minor change in proportions to an acute imbalance of the mind. This may result in the character gaining a disturbing gait, perhaps appearing to slide across the ground, or something more debilitating, such as a crabwise shuffle or a rigid, straight-legged march.
52 (Tail) The powers of the warp have granted the character the gift of an impressive tail. More than a mere status symbol, the tail makes a formidable weapon too. The character gains an additional attack, made using the tail and counting as a normal, unarmed attack.

Khorne: The gift takes the form of a scorpion’s tail and deals an additional d10 poison damage.

Slaanesh: The tail takes the form of a writhing, darting tentacle, and has the finesse quality.

Nurgle: The tail resembles the gristly abdomen of a huge fly, the tip of which seeps a noxious gruel of vile liquid. The effect is to reduce the Initiative of all enemies within 15ft by your con mod.

Tzeentch: The tail is prehensile and dextrous, and may be used to carry and operate a weapon, just like a normal arm.

53 (Tentacle) One of the character’s limbs shrivels and warps into a boneless tentacle or, in some cases, a writhing mass of them extending from where the limb once was.
54 (Feared Visage) People can feel the taint of the warp waft and ooze off of you like an air of danger, animals immediately regard you as a predator of immense danger, meanwhile people look at you and something in their primordial mind makes them want to steer clear of you. you gain +5 to intimidation rolls.
55 (Vampiric Addiction) The character is infused with a burning desire to partake of a particular substance and, soon becomes unable to function normally without doing so on a regular basis. Despite the drawbacks, the character is able to draw power from his addiction, which he utilizes to propel himself further along the path to glory. The character is addicted to a substance chosen by the player with the GM’s approval. The substance should be something obtained from a living creature, such as the blood, marrow, or cranial fluid. In any session in which the character partakes of this substance, he gains 10+Con mod hp. If he does not partake in the substance by the end of the session, he permanently loses 1 Toughness. Note that it is not necessarily vital that the victim “providing” the substance die in the process, meaning the character could theoretically use his minions as willing (or not-so-willing) donors.
56 (Perty Mouth) The character teeth twist themselves and their mouth distends to fit their new pearly whites. up to the player on what their new jaw looks like.
57 (Toxin Shunt) The character grows an organ specifically built to hold toxins and poisons ingested by the character that can be spit back at opponents as a ranged attack.
58 (Beard) the character grows a magnificent beard.
59 (Sorcerer Sight) The character is permanently under the effects of identify and can identify magic items by sight alone.
60 (Gift of the Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
61 (Open your third eye) You grow an eye in the middle of your forehead. you can see as if with True Seeing, but Charisma skills are disadvantages.
62 (Dwarfism) You shrink 1 size.
63 (Shade Death) Once per short rest when you kill a humanoid creature you can take the slain creatures appearance, this lasts for 24 hours before wearing off.
64 (Gigantism) You grow 1 size.
65 (Riches from above) 5d20 gold pieces materialize on your person
66 (Gift of Slaanesh) Roll on the gifts of slaanesh table
67 (Laser Piss) You can cast eldritch blast from only your crotch using your Cha mod or Con mod as the casting modifier.
68 (I should call my dad) once per short rest you can force a creature to make a wisdom save DC (8+Cha mod+Prof bonus) on fail the creature feels intense remorse about their relationship with their parents or progenitor and will try all possible methods to get in contact with them to repair this relationship. if the creature has a fine or good relationship with their progenitor or parents then they feel the need to go and check on them.
69 (Gender Bender) The character swaps gender.
70 (Gift of The Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
71 (Grossly Fat) You got THICC you gain +1 to your
72 (Doppleganger) Once per short rest you may call forth a copy of yourself that has all your stats and abilities/class features.
73 (The 4th What?) Once per session the character may break the 4th wall and address the players and the GM for 1 minute. anyone at the table may respond to the character.
74 (Gold Gut) The character gains an entrance up on their body that opens into a special dimensional pocket the character can only deposit currency or valuables into this pocket.
75 (The Sneaky Squeaker) Once per short rest you may cup a fart from your body and direct it at an enemy that can smell the enemy must make a Con save DC (8+Con Mod+prof bonus) on fail they are stunned for 1 round and poisoned for a minute.
76 (Built like a Lego) The character's body seems to take on a more plastique texture and seams can be found all across the body. upon closer inspection it turns out that the character is made entirely out of plastic bricks and pieces.
77 (Gift of Nurgle) A small black rain cloud forms over the target for 10 minute {Recharge 1,2} a bolt of lightning strikes 2d4 Lightning damage.
78 (The Bone Zone) The character finds that the dead just don't want to stay dead near them, the character gains a 30ft aura in which medium sized creatures who has recently died are resurrected as a skeleton, when the skeleton is defeated, it cannot resurrect again.
79 (Crystal Scabs) The characters wounds no longer heal regularly instead of a regular scab the wound grows a crystal gem. (the gem's type and worth are all up to the gm, but as a rule of thumb the more grievous the wound the higher the worth of the gem.)
80 (Gifts of the Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
81 (Flowers for Algernon) you gain an aura in which you grant objects and creatures within 30ft of you sentience, once they leave your aura, they slowly begin to lose sentience.
82 (Bulging Biceps) Your muscle grow massively gain +1 to your Str you can wield two handed weapons with one hand.
83 (Blood Rush) You gain an intense want to see creatures shed blood that you gain +1 temp hp when you successfully strike a creature.
84 (The curse of the Postier Predators) You are being hunted by a mysterious warp predator that stalks you it can only be seen by you while it stalks you from the shadows, it only has one goal in mind to take the characters cheeks from them be it physically or in a more devious way. once per month the character is alerted that the creature is stalking them for 24 hours if the character survives until midnight, they can make a single roll on one of the gift of the gods tables. if the creature is defeated before midnight the character can make two rolls on one of the gift of the gods tables. should the creature defeat the character before midnight then that should be discussed between GM and player.
85 (Rules of Nature) Your maximum HP goes up by 2d10 for 1 minute.
86 (Smokestack Anger) When you become frustrated or angered you begin emitting smoke from your ears.
87 (Skull Stack) You gain an intense fascination with skulls piling them, skinning and bleaching them.
88 (Gift of Khorne) You cast True Polymorph on yourself and turn into a creature of your choosing. The spell automatically acts as Concentrated. You keep this form until someone dispels its magic. You gain the form’s stats and abilities. The magic will be dispelled emmidiately after a long rest.
89 (Blood Hound) Your senses are keenly attuned to sensing injured and creatures on the brink of death, you gain advantage on rolls against dying or wounded characters
90 (Gift of the Gods) if in service to a god you may roll their table if not roll a d4 to select a table
91 (Giga Brain) Your cranium Expands gain +1 to your int score you gain two cantrips using your intelligence modifier as the casting mod
92 (The 4th What?) Once per session the character may break the 4th wall and address the players and the GM for 1 minute. anyone at the table may respond to the character.
93 (I cast Low Tier God) Once per long rest you may begin to mock an opponent so viciously making them question their purpose on whether their life has worth or any meaning to it at all. choose a creature within 60ft of you they must make a wisdom save DC(8+Cha mod+prof bonus) on fail they take 9d10+their CR rating/LVL x 2 psychic damage on success half, afterwards you must make an either persuasion or intimidation check DC 18 on success a strike of lighting empowers you to further heights granting for 1 minute attacks you make deals an additional prof bonus lightning damage.
94 (Invigoration) Roll a d10 your hp maximum grows by that by that much
95 (Playing possums) When reduced to 0 hp, you may stabilize your body and pretend to be dead for the next hour no creature may discern you from a corpse.
96 (Shadowless) You no longer cast a shadow.
97 (Temporal Dissonance) once per short rest you can put yourself outside the time stream and gain a glimpse of events to be or what have been for the next hour you may rerolled failed rolls and as a reaction grant an ally advantage on any skill checks or saving throws.
98 (Warpsight) The character is able to see the world as it really is – the souls of mortals gutter like lanterns in the night while the predators of the warp circle all about like sharks scenting blood. The character literally sees the souls of his enemy. as a bonus action the character can switch between his normal vision or Warp sight. when in warp sight the character gains 60ft of true sight and is under the effects of detect magic except it can pierce through any walls within vision but while in warpsight the character cannot see people as their physical form but only their souls and the world around twists into that of a nightmarish realm.
99 (Gift of Tzeentch) Your spell effect is normal. You feel rejuvinated. (Caster is considered to have finished a long rest)
100 (Psuedo Daemonhood)

A gift held by many as both a curse and a blessing, the recipient’s body is twisted and mutated until they come to resemble that of one of the myriad lesser daemons of the warp, such as the dreaded Ebon Geist, the mournful Dispayre, or the savage Manripper. The character’s very nature becomes melded with the warp and his perception of the material universe fades while that of the unreal beyond is magnified a thousand-fold.

Gifts Of The Gods

Gifts of Slaanesh[edit]
(d20) Result
1 (Demonic Name)

The Dark Prince has gifted you a sacred demonic title. you gain advantage on intimidation checks against other demonic entities

2 (Demonic Familiar)

You gain an Snake follower they obey your commands to the letter should they fall they come back at the end of a short rest

3 (Face of Slaanesh)

The visage of the Dark Prince of Chaos is, to most mere mortals at least, both utterly horrifying and achingly beautiful to behold. Neither male nor female, human nor alien, it transfixes the soul and obliterates all other desires. Having looked upon such a face, all others are mere empty husks. The character’s face assumes the merest fraction of Slaanesh’s countenance and all who look upon him are utterly enslaved by his dark allure. You gain proficiency in all Charisma based checks, and expertise if you are already proficient in them. additionally, Any Charisma based skill check roll lower than a 9 is treated as a 10. If a creature has a lower Charisma score than you, they become automatically charmed or frightened when speaking to you (players Choice)

4 (Demonic Weapon)

The Dark Prince has awarded you a weapon. roll a d4 to see rarity 1 for rare 2 for very rare 3 for legendary 4 for artifact

5 (Moonlight Fly Away)

Your body naturally produces an addictive chemical which when a creature imbibes, they have advantage on all rolls for the next hour, if a creature takes the drugs more than 5 times they fall under your control

6 (Hermaphodite)

Slaanesh is said to be both male and female, and neither, for mere mortal perception cannot begin to quantify its true nature and such terms are but pale shadows of the terrible truth. The character’s body is changed to reflect something of this state, assuming the characteristic single breast so common amongst the servants of the Dark Prince of Chaos, as well as features that are disturbingly attractive yet ultimately sexless. The character becomes an object of adoration to all around him, whether male or female, and finds his own identity assuming an amorphous, genderless quality where such petty mortal qualities as masculinity and femininity become meaningless. gain +5 to all charisma skills

7 (Steed of Chaos)

The prince of pleasure is not picky of shape or manner of beast of their champions ride upon only that they be fast and elegant. the princess of pain has deigned you worthy of such steed pick a beast of large size cr 2 or below and double it's movement speed and grant it +4 to its AC. The beast no matter its original color has now a light pink hue to its skin tone.

8 (Gift of Khorne)
9 (Gift of Tzeentch)
10 (Gift of the Gods)
11 (Sigvald's Magnificence)
12 (Cancerous Regeneration) you gain the ability to regenerate limbs and organs at the end of a short rest but they come back as either unfinished in some way or covered in growths.
13 (Warped Senses) the warp has heightened one of your senses you gain advantage on checks made with this one sense
14 (Looking Fresh) the gods have deemed you eternally dripped your fit will forever be fantastic, whenever you don any sort of clothing or armor it will change to fit your desires and have trappings to match your chosen god.
15 (Steel Hearted) Some have seen into the depths of the warp and, know how trivial the concerns of mortals truly are. The character’s heart is steeled to the terrors of the material universe, and only what lies beyond it concerns him. The character is now immune to the fear and frightened conditions.
16 (Winged)
17 (Breathless) the gods have deemed your lungs useless you no longer need to breathe.
18 (Burning Body)
19 (Chaos Organ)
20 (The Eternal Blessing) The

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