Celestial Maturity (5e Feat)

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Celestial Maturity

Prerequisites: Aasimar (5e Race) , 8th level
After extensive study, intense training, and a touch of recklessness, you've learned to exert greater control over the divine blood coursing through your veins, allowing for abnormal and unnatural bursts of power from within. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Darkvision extends to 120 feet and you can now see through both normal and magical darkness as if it were dim light
  • You can use Radiant Soul, Radiant Consumption, or Necrotic Shroud an additional time, regaining use at the end of a long rest. When you use this feature, you may consume both uses of this feature and take 2d6 necrotic damage, which ignores resistance and immunity, to push past your normal limits, entering an ascended state for 1 minute. When in this state, you gain one of the following depending on your subrace:
    • Protector: Your flying speed increases by 20 feet and you deal 2d4 radiant damage on a hit with any attack.
    • Scourge: Any creatures of your choice do not take radiant damage from Radiant Consumption, and its radii increase by 10 feet.
    • Fallen: Any creatures of your choice automatically succeed Necrotic Shroud's saving throw and you are immune to the frightened and charmed conditions.
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