Celestial Armaments, Variant (5e Feat)

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Celestial Armaments, Variant

Prerequisites: Level 8, Wisdom or Charisma 15 or higher, ties with the upper planes (for example, aasimar race or divine soul sorcerer subclass).
You can conjure weapons made out of the light channeled from pure divine energy. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom or Charisma score increase by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You can summon any weapon you are proficient with to your hand as a bonus action. This weapon is made out of pure light, and causes radiant damage, rather than the normal damage, but otherwise has all the properties of the weapon summoned. Ranged weapons create their own ammunition, also made out of pure celestial light. You can use your Wisdom or Charisma modifier, rather than Strength or Dexterity, for the attacks and damage rolls with these weapons.

  • Weapons you summon using this feat count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance and immunity. Additionally, over the course of a long rest, you can absorb magical energy within magic weapons. Whenever you summon a weapon which is of the same type as a magical weapon you have absorbed, the summoned weapon gains the properties of the magic weapon as well as the normal bonuses. You can absorb multiple magical weapons of the same type using this feat, but you can only have the effects of one weapon active at a time (You choose when you summon the weapon). EX: You absorb a Weapon of Wounding, now, whenever you summon a celestial armament, it gains the effects of the Weapon of Wounding. If you then absorb a Nine Lives Stealer, whenever you summon a sword specifically, you must choose for it to gain the effects of either a Weapon of Wounding or a Nine Lives Stealer.

  • If an absorbed magical weapon has a limited number of uses, take for example the Luck Blade, once you expend the uses of an ability, that ability cannot be used again until you absorb another magical weapon of the same type. If a magic weapon's ability has a limited number of uses, but regains those uses after a period of time, like the Nine Lives Stealer, then you must wait the stated time to replenish that ability. Re-summoning a specific magical weapon does not replenish the charges, regardless of the form it takes.

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