Cave Flyer (4e Paragon Path)

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Cave Flyer[edit]

Tunnelers see the world from below. Fliers see the world from above. Must the two be mutually exclusive?

You are an oddball amongst Aeroforged-- rather than enjoying the freedom of the open skies, you prefer the cold reaches of the underground. After a long time being unable to fly in caves, you have reached a conclusion of how to keep to the air while underground.

Prerequisite: Aeroforged, Flight Form Power

Cave Flyer path features[edit]

Refined Technique (11th Level): While using your Flight Form, your flight speed increases by 1, but your maximum altitude cannot increase.
Maneuverability (11th Level): While you are using Flight Form, you may use a move action to fly 2 squares, not provoking opportunity attacks for doing so.
Cavern Skirmisher (16th Level): While you are using Flight Form and are underground, you may treat dim light as cover for the purpose of making stealth checks. You also get a +2 to attack and damage rolls while underground. Additionally, your Flight Form stance doesn't end when you take thunder or lightning damage.

Sidewinder Cave Flyer Attack 11
You skim along the battlefield, striking where it isn't expected.
Encounter Star.gif Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must be in the Flight Form stance.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength(melee) or Dexterity(ranged) Vs. AC or Reflex, Before and after the attack, you may shift half your speed..
Hit: 2[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage.
Special: If you are flanking the target, this attack deals 1[W] extra damage.

Evasive Maneuver Cave Flyer Utility 12
A quick burst of speed to your side allows you to dodge an attack that would have brought you down.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy would hit with an attack against your AC or Reflex.
Requirement: You must be in the Flight Form stance.
Effect: You fly up to half your flight speed. If you end this movement 3 or more squares from where you were and you are outside the area of the triggering attack, the attack misses you. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Assault from all Directions Cave Flyer Attack 20
You barrage a foe with everything you have.
Daily Star.gif Martial, Fire, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged Weapon
Requirement: You must be in the Flight Form stance.
Primary Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength(melee) or Dexterity(ranged) Vs. AC(melee) or Reflex(ranged)
Hit: 2[W] damage, You then fly half your flight speed, not provoking opportunity attacks, then make a secondary attack.
Miss: half damage, then perform the secondary attack
Secondary Target: the primary target
Secondary Attack: Strength(melee) or Dexterity(ranged) Vs. AC(melee) or Reflex(ranged).
Hit: 2[W] damage, then fly half your flight speed and make the following tertiary attack. You must end this flight at least 3 squares from the target. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Miss: half damage, then fly 3 squares and make the following tertiary attack.
Tertiary Target: the target of the secondary attack
Tertiary Attack: Strength or Dexterity Vs. Reflex.
Hit: 2d10 fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Miss: ongoing 5 fire damage(save ends).

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