Cause Infectious Disease (4e Ritual)

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Cause Infectious Disease[edit]

The subject within the circle is inflicted with a highly infectious disease of your choosing, which should spread once released into the world.

Level: 8 Component Cost: 250 gp
Category: Creation Market Price: 680 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Heal
Duration: Instantaneous

The Cause Infectious Disease ritual creates a disease within the subject, and can be set to be active or merely incubating. If incubating, it is considered to be at stage 1 except that no symptoms are present, otherwise, the disease begins at stage 1 as normal. Incubating diseases can be set to incubate for a time period chosen by the caster, up to a maximum of one month. At the end of the incubation period, the disease activates at stage 1 as normal.

The subject of the ritual can only be fully cured via the Cure Disease spell. In all other circumstances, the subject cannot go below stage 1 of the disease.

The subject of the ritual may become more infectious than the disease might normally be. When casting the ritual, make a Heal check, using the level of the disease as a penalty to this check. The result indicates the infectiousness level of the subject. At the caster's choice, you can choose to accept a lower result than rolled. Those subsequently infected by the subject of this ritual are only as infectious as the disease would normally be. Diseases within the incubation period are as infectious as active diseases.

Heal Check Result Effect on Target
0 or lower Disease cannot spread beyond the subject.
1-9 Disease spreads via contact with bodily fluids, such as blood. Creatures adjacent to the subject while it takes damage, or otherwise coming in contact with the infected's bodily fluids must make a saving throw with a +5 bonus or become infected. Level 11-20 diseases grant no bonus to the save, while level 21+ diseases cause a -5 penalty to the save.
10-19 Disease spreads via prolonged exposure (or bodily fluids). Anyone spending approximately 8 hours within the same room as the subject, or being adjacent to the subject while it takes damage, or otherwise coming in contact with the subject's bodily fluids must make a saving throw or become infected. Level 11-20 diseases cause a -5 penalty to the save, while level 21+ diseases cause a -10 penalty to the save.
20-29 Disease spreads via touch, prolonged exposure, or bodily fluids. Anyone touching or being touched by the subject, or spending approximately 4 hours within the same room as the subject, or being adjacent to the subject while it takes damage, or otherwise coming in contact with the subject's bodily fluids must make a saving throw with a -2 penalty or become infected. Level 11-20 diseases cause a -7 penalty to the save, Level 21-30 diseases cause a -10 to the save.
30 or higher Disease spreads via proximity. Anyone within 10 squares of the subject must make immediately make a saving throw with a -5 penalty or become infected. Level 11-20 diseases cause a -10 penalty to the save, Level 21-30 diseases cause a -15 penalty to the save. Those who successfully save must save again after 5 minutes, or if they are touched by the subject, or are standing adjacent when the subject takes damage, or are touched by the subject's bodily fluids.

This ritual is physically taxing to the caster; it can even kill him or her. Upon completing this ritual, make an additional Heal Check, using twice the disease's level as a penalty to this check. The result indicates the amount of damage the caster takes. Assuming the caster survives, this damage can be healed normally.

Heal Check Result Effect on Caster
0 or lower Death
1-9 Damage equal to the target's maximum hit points
10-19 Damage equal to one-half the target's maximum hit points
20-19 Damage equal to one-quarter of the targets maximum hit points (their surge value).
30 or higher No damage

The Cause Infectious Disease ritual can only create diseases that the caster is familiar with.

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