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Below is a list of the syllables a Truenamer on the path of the Bereft may use. Syllables are not spells, yet they produce a magical effect. They solely use verbal components and they follow the Laws of the Universe. Syllables can be combined to form a full Utterance

Syllables must obey all Laws of the Universe.

Speaking a Syllable[edit]

You may speak a Syllable whenever you use an action or reaction as long as you are not already speaking. If you use the Ready action, you can only use a Syllable during the reaction. If you have more than one action, you can use a Syllable during each of those actions, as long as you adhere to the Laws of the Universe. Syllables are too short to utilize a Personal Truename.

Speaking a Syllable vs Creatures
Make an Arcana check to determine if you pronounced it correctly using the target's Intelligence score as the DC. If you fail this check, your Utterance also fails.
Utterance Save DC
For Utterances that require a Saving throw, the DC is your spellcasting DC (8 + Proficiency + INT).