Below is a list of the syllables a Truenamer on the path of the Bereft may use. Syllables are not spells, yet they produce a magical effect. They solely use verbal components and they follow the Laws of the Universe. Syllables can be combined to form a full Utterance
Syllables must obey all Laws of the Universe.
Speaking a Syllable[edit]
You may speak a Syllable whenever you use an action or reaction as long as you are not already speaking. If you use the Ready action, you can only use a Syllable during the reaction. If you have more than one action, you can use a Syllable during each of those actions, as long as you adhere to the Laws of the Universe. Syllables are too short to utilize a Personal Truename.
- Speaking a Syllable vs Creatures
- Make an Arcana check to determine if you pronounced it correctly using the target's Intelligence score as the DC. If you fail this check, your Utterance also fails.
- Utterance Save DC
- For Utterances that require a Saving throw, the DC is your spellcasting DC (8 + Proficiency + INT).
Pages in category "Syllable"
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