Castaway (5e Background)

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Credit : Deepwoken Wiki

You was once apart of Cap'n Orlandeau's crew, Sailing the seas when suddenly the authority blew your boat up. All of the crew sadly went to the depths... but you on the other hand just barely got saved by somebody on the shores of Etris, Now you are in rags and must prove to your crew how strong you can be on your own... You have many different paths you can take, Your Attunement you've been born with sticking by your side... although for some reason your unable to tap into it. You must of lost the training equipment you had when the bloat blew up.

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth and one other of your choice

Tool Proficiencies: Water vehicles and one musical instrument of your choice.

Languages: Common

Equipment: A set of common clothing (although ripped and torn), A sword/great axe or dagger, 25 pieces of papers labeled "Notes" worth 1 gold each and a book.


What Attunement did you start your adventure with, This gives no game play effect, only visual.

d6 Specialization
1 Attunementless You chose to not have an element, No visual effect.
2 Flamecharm The inferno burns ever brighter. Have you come to fuel it? A cracked glass ball with a permanent non-glowing fire inside of it is chained to your waist
3 Frostdraw Frost gathers at our fingertips, promising the coming winter. Have you come to let it envelop you? A frosty like aura surrounds you randomly.
4 Thundercall Fury is not a singular emotion. It can be harnessed by the saint and the sinner alike. Do you wish to wield it as a Thundercaller? You can conjure a small harmless stream of thunder from finger tip to finger tip.
5 Galebreathe The Wind finds a way through even the narrowest of passages. Have you come to let the wind guide you? When you exhale deeply you breath out a noticeable green mist.
6 Shadowcast Ooh dearie, I can see the darkness within your heart. But it simply won't do until you draw it out. A completely black diamond worth nothing is chained to your waist.
7 Ironsing It's said that the discovery of Pluripotent Alloy was what led to Ironsing's development, and that's the line of questioning I've chosen to follow. You have a spikey ball of ferofluid that you can control lightly chained to your waist.
8 Bloodrend you may recall a Black Diver of note was unveiled as the treacherous Crimson Scholar of Burning Blood, a student of the Second Prophet... But what of the Second Prophet's other students? You have a torque permanently on your arm that you can twist whenever.

Feature: Spell shout[edit]

Whenever you cast a spell, You can give it style and shout out whatever you want to say whilst casting the spell, all creatures know what the spell your casting is however. This is just a fun little "rename".

Alternate Feature: Cap artist[edit]

You can flop on the spot and pretend to be dead, If a creature wants to try they can make a investigation check to tell if your really dead.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

You can choose any of these or things from your race.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
1 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
2 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
3 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
4 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
5 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
6 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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