Can of Whoop-@$$ (3.5e Equipment)

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April Fools!
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Can of Whoop-@$$: This item resembles a simple flask made entirely of metal, usually iron or silver, although steel is common. But, a read magic spell or other divination effect proves what the item really is, and just how dangerous a person using one is.

As a free action, a person using a Can of Whoop-@$$ may open it, and release the contents inside: A small cell of 1d6 Level 5 Monks. These Monks are under the control of whoever opened up the Can of Whoop-@$$, and fight until slain or ordered back into the can. A slain Monk returns to the Can instantly. You cannot open up the same Can of Whoop-@$$ in less than 24 hours after it was last opened.

Moderate conjurationCL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster V. Caster level 17th; Cost 800 gp (+2), 3,200 gp (+4), 7,200 gp (+6), 12,800 gp (+8), 20,000 gp (+10).; Activation: —; Weight: 1 lb. lb.; Market Price: 60,000gp

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