Calendar and Holidays (Beachblush Setting)

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Days and Months[edit]

Unlike the rest of the world, Beachblush uses its own calendar system, which includes thirteen months, all twenty eight days long (barring Quellhas, which is 29). This was introduced in the time of King Materra Santiago (Lucio's great, great, grandson) as a way to seperate the country from others, While the dictatorship is no longer in place, generations of citizens have now grown up with this system, and it has not yet been adjusted. It goes as follows:

Months: Mornhas, Driehas, Trehas, Pichas, Florhas, Faunhas, Rayhas, Tenhas, Vulhas, Jarhas, Redhas, Kenhas and Quellhas.

Days: Eindes, Toudes, Trejdes, Vierdes, Fundes, Sedes, and Endes.

Weekends are two days long, and occur every Sedes and Endes.


Beachblush does, however, use the same year system as the rest of the world: The year goes up by one, as standard, but starts from zero as part of a new cycle every 1000 years, and all the cycles are named after the fundamental forces of the universe: Light, Darkness, Elements, Arcana, Life, Death, Madness, Sanity and Faith. Often abbreviated as the first letter of the cycle, in lower case. For example, the information on this page is designed to reflect Beachblush as it exists in 245e.


Notable dates include: New Year's Day: 1st of Mornhas, Legion Day (which celebrates the current monarchy and is celebrated on the Monarch's birthday): 5th of Driehas, Earth Day: 16th of Pichas, Harvest Morn: 1st of Florhas, Klug Day (celebrated only by goblins): 4th of Faunhas, Liberation Day (celebrated on an unofficial level to commemorate the death of the previous King): 9th of Faunhas, Harvest Noon: 14th of Tenhas, Luca's Leave, (all the schools close for 2 weeks): 24th of Tenhas, Hunter's Moon (a country wide hunting tournament to catch the biggest beast): 15th-20th of Vulhas, Harvest Dusk: 28th of Redhas, Spirit Day: 3rd of Quellhas, Year's End: 28th of Quellhas.

Additionally, some holidays exist independently of the calendar date, such as:

Anchiale's Full Moon: Occurs when Anchiale is in it's full phase, about once every year and two thirds. It lasts 2 weeks, and the citizens of the country try to be nicer to each other to ward off the bad luck that the moon represents.
Deus Lunae: Only occurs when all three moons (Styx, Hyperion and Anchiale) are full.

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