Caduceus (3.5e Equipment)

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Caduceus: This magical staff appears as a rod of metal, topped with an orb, flanked by two wings, with a pair of ribbons flowing and twisting down around the shaft. This staff is favored by heralds, merchants and thieves. The staff has the following abilities, all of which are used as a level 15 caster:

  • Haste 3/day
  • Fly 3/day
  • Once per day, the bearer of the staff can choose to turn the two ribbons attached to the head into a pair of small snakes. The bearer has full control over these snakes as a dominate monster spell. The bearer of the staff can direct the snakes as he pleases, but they will always begin to slither their way back to the staff after 20 minutes. If either snake is killed, the ribbons on the staff immediately returns, and the ability cannot be used again until the following day.

Strong; (DC 21) TransmutationCL 15th; Craft Staff, haste, fly, polymorph any object, dominate monster; Cost 75,375 gp, 12060 XP, 151 Days; Activation: Standard; Weight: 6 lb. lb.; Market Price: 150,750gp

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