The Yanme'e (Forerunner designation, translated into Latin as Turpis rex, meaning "dishonorable king") are human-sized carnivorous insects. In 1112, the Yanme'e developed interstellar travel, where they were discovered by the Covenant. The Yanme'e were the first to attack, overwhelming Covenant teams with sheer numbers, but were quickly put down, though their planet was spared from glassing under suspicion of Forerunner artifacts beneath their hives, though none were found. In the Covenant, Yanme'e drones were used as engineers and shock infantry, and enemy bases were often converted into hives to deny recapture. Following the Great Schism, most Yanme'e returned to their home planet, though many remained loyal to the Covenant splinter factions.
Military Ranks. Yanme'e can be organized into multiple different recognizable ranks and combat roles. Rank is earned after their metamorphosis from the pupa stage.
- Bugger Pupa, newly hatched drones.
- Bugger Minors, the lowest, most common rank.
- Bugger Majors, who lead swarms outside of their hive.
- Bugger Ultras, who lead groups of swarms in large-scale assaults.
- Bugger Captains, who relay the queen's pheromones and hypersonic messages to lower ranking drones, and hold the highest military rank available to Yanme'e drones.
- Bugger Hiveward, who defend hives and queens with their life, and hold the highest military rank available to Yanme'e drones.
- Bugger Queens, who are the massive, nearly immobile matriarchs of Yanme'e hives.
A small swarm of drones, [Source].
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