Broken Mind = Broken Hope (5e Feat)

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Broken Mind = Broken Hope

Prerequisites: none
Your mind is shattered, but your cracked view on the world shows new insights, granting you the following benefits:

  • You count as having a madness.
  • You are immune to mental conditions (ex. charm, fear, frightened)
  • You are immune to all spells and other effects that effect the mind or give people access to it for example calm emotions, your mind cannot be read and anything that tries will see nothing but insanity
  • You gain 2 of 4 flaws either "Someone, No, something! is coming for me and I can only see it in when I close my eyes!" or "I see things that aren't there and talk to people who don't exist." or "I can't remember my name sometimes and I forget entire portions of my life." or "my impulsiveness and irrational behavior has made me push everyone I care about away, the loneliness hurts."

(4 votes)

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