Brilliant Arcanomancy (5e Feat)

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Prerequisites: Spellcasting ability score 13 or higher
Your subtle mastery over magic has allowed you to to form and utilize your magic in ways not normally possible

  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever a creature uses an ability, including Legendary Resistance, to automatically pass a saving throw against a spell you cast, the automatic pass is nullified, and instead that creature rolls that saving throw again with advantage. If they fail again and use another instance of Legendary Resistance, repeat this process.
  • When you roll the maximum or minimum number on any dice (for example a 1 or a 6 on a d6) to determine the effects of a spell of a level less than or equal to half the highest level of spell you can cast (rounded down), you may roll another one of those dice and add the value rolled to the total.
(5 votes)

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