Breathing Techniques (5e Feat)

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Breathing Techniques

Prerequisites: Dragonborn, Constitution 13 or higher
In an effort to improve your draconic artillery, you’ve focus on controlling and improving your breathing.

  • You may cast Breath Weapon as a bonus action. When cast this way, all creatures have advantage on the saving throw. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
  • When calculating the DC of your Breath Weapon’s saving throw, you may add double your Constitution modifier.
  • Whenever you cast Breath Weapon, you may decide whether to cast it in a 5ft by 30ft line or 15ft cone, regardless of your Dragon Color. You may also cast it as a single target projectile with a range of 60ft or in a 5ft radius around you.
  • Once per long rest, You may increase the spread of your Breath Weapon to a 5ft by 90ft line, a 15ft by 30ft line, a 25ft cone, a 180ft projectile, or a 10ft radius.

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