Breaker Overdrive (5e Feat)

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Breaker Overdrive

Prerequisites: 15 Str, 15 Con, below 50% health.
"Break free of the shackles of Morality"

The user removes every subconscious restraint they have on their body and mind, concentrating all their physical power and letting all mental barriers dissolve, no matter the physical or psychological damage that may ensue. The forbiden technique is learnable by anyone but requires unparalleled focus, emotion or sheer power to effectively perform for long periods of time.

When you are below half of your total health you may engage Breaker Overdrive, doing so gains the following effects until you become unconscious or take a short rest:

  • Greusome Recklessness - You gain an advantage on Strength Checks and double damage dealt by piercing, slashing or bludgeoning weapons (rounded up).
  • Bloody Backfire - Whenever you damage a creature or object, you take necrotic damage equal to a third (rounded up) of the total damage after modifiers.
  • Undying Vigor - If you would fall below 0 HP from damage taken from Bloody Backfire instead, you fall unconscious. If you would enter combat again before any rest after fainting, you have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks until you rest.

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