Boulder’s Fortitude (5e Feat)

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Boulder’s Fortitude

Prerequisites: Goliath
The defenses of the Goliaths’ rough skin are often compared with rocks in their durability. Through hardship and raw willpower, you’ve pushed and refined your toughness far beyond the pebbly textures on your exterior.

Mountain Muscles. You regain all expended uses of Stone’s Endurance when you finish a short or long rest.

Peak Stamina. When you use Stone’s Endurance, you may roll a hit die instead of a d12. If used this way, you expend the hit die instead of a use of Stone’s Endurance.

Rock Solid. You may use Stone’s Endurance while Incapacitated. While Petrified, you can double the damage reduced by Stone’s Endurance.

Sure Footing. When you roll a 1 on Stone’s Endurance, you can reroll the die. You must use the new result, even if it is a 1.

(one vote)

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