Boros Punisher (4e Theme)

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Boros Punisher

Clad in shining armour and fueled by righteous zeal, the soldiers of the Boros Legion take up steel against the corruption and lawlessness that gnaw at the world. Combining the force of law with the military strength to back it up, the Boros work to forge cities into just societies; safe and healthy communities for all. However, the Boros Legion's ardent determination to thwart evil can also be their downfall from an outsiders perspective. The Boros Legion is defined by the tension between its goal of establishing order and harmony and the fiery zeal that drives many of its members. Ironically, this means that individual members sometimes break the rules they are charged with enforcing, cleaving to the spirit of the law when the letter no longer serves justice. A Boros Soldier won't think twice about trespassing property if in pursuit of a criminal, nor would a Boros Soldier think twice about interrogating an innocent for information on a wrongdoer. As a Boros Punisher, you strive to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. At the same time, you are passionate about the pursuit of justice, spurred by your righteous wrath into action against evil and injustice.


Members of the Boros Legion are often good, and usually lawful. You are drawn to the ideal of the knight in shining armour, and you want to protect the innocent and fight for justice.

Class Prerequisites

None. The most common classes at home within the Legion are paladins, fighters and clerics.

Race Prerequisites

None. The most common races at home within the Legion are humans, dwarves, and dragonborn.

Associated Skill: None.

Starting Feature

As a member of the mighty Boros Legion, although you are charged with enforcing the law, the pursuit of justice is above all else.


You gain the Denounce and Condemn powers.

Denounce Boros Punisher Attack 1
You have violated the law. By decree of Aurelia, I will now execute Sanction 304. Do you obey?
At-Will Star.gif Martial
Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect: Until you use this power again, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against any creature other than you, and you have a -2 penalty to attack rolls against any creature other than your denounced target.

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Condemn Boros Punisher Attack 1
Someday, someone will best me. But it won't be today, and it won't be you.
Encounter Star.gif Martial, Fear
Minor Action Ranged 5
Requirement: The target must be Denounced.
Attack: Highest ability modifier +2 vs. Will

Level 11: Highest ability modifier +4 vs. Will

Level 21: Highest ability modifier +6 vs. Will

Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defences (save ends).
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against your denounced target until the end of your turn. This power bonus increases to +4 at level 11, and +6 at level 21.

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Additional Features

Level 5 Feature

You have learned to steel your resolve even in the toughest situations.


When you use your second wind, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Level 10 Feature

You become familiar with the streets, and the streets become familiar with you.


You gain a +2 power bonus to Streetwise checks and Intimidation checks.

Optional Powers

Utility powers

Righteous Condemnation Theme Utility 2
You righteously condemn your enemy, forcing them to heal to your demands.
Free Action '
Trigger: You make an intimidate, bluff, or diplomacy check against the target of your "Denounced" power.
Requirement: The creature is a target of your "Denounced" power.
Target: A creature you've denounced
Effect: You gain a +5 bonus to the intimidate, bluff, or diplomacy roll.

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