Bookmark of Metamagic Preparation (3.5e Equipment)
Bookmark of Metamagic Preparation: This bookmark appears to be an innocuous addition to the spellbook, obfuscating its true power. With the bookmark, any spellcaster may prepare spells as if possessing the bookmark's metamagic feats. This includes the requirement that the spells prepared in this way must use a spell slot higher than its ordinary slot. For example, a Bookmark of Empower and Maximize would allow a wizard to prepare an Empowered Fireball using a 5th level slot, or a Maximized Fireball using a 6th level slot, or a Maximized Empowered Fireball using a 8th level slot.
Spontaneous casters gain no benefit from this item. Having a bookmark does not qualify you for taking other feats or prestige classes with the feat as a prerequisite, but you can use other feats and class features when preparing these spells. For example, using a bookmark to prepare a maximized spell on your Arcane Thesis or Spell Perfection spell will require only a spell slot 2 level higher than normal, rather than 3, because of your Arcane Thesis or Spell Perfection. However, having a Bookmark of Envelop the Wall feat does not meet the prerequisite for you to later take the Irresistible Spell feat. Any combination of metamagic feats may enchant a Bookmark of Metamagic Preparation, subject to prerequisites and cost, but most metamagics in a single bookmark are related. Empower, Maximize, and Intensify are commonly found together, as are Silent and Still.
A person examining a spellbook with a Bookmark of Metamagic Preparation might not notice the magic nature of this item, as the magic aura intentionally blends in with the spellbook. Only a detailed search that involves separately examining the bookmark, or examining a magic user prepare spells with the bookmark (Spellcraft DC 20 plus the caster level of the item) reveals that it is separately magical.
Special: A bookmark's caster level must be at least 3 plus twice the highest spell-level adjustment of its metamagic feats in it, e.g. CL 9 for a Bookmark of Empower and Maximize. The bookmark must have all prerequisite metamagic feats within the bookmark, e.g. "one other metamagic feat," or Tenebrous Spell and Umbral Spell. For prerequisites other than metamagic feats, the item creator and the user must have that prerequisite. (As usual, the item creation prerequisite may be bypassed via a sufficient spellcraft check, as the usage requirement by a sufficient Use Magic Device check.)
10,000gp for one metamagic feat, 17,500 for two, and +5,000 for each additional metamagic feat.
- Examples
Bookmark of Empower: 10,000 gp
Bookmark of Empower and Intensify: 17,500 gp
Bookmark of Quicken, Maximize, Empower, Intensify, and Heighten: 32,500 gp
Weak (no school); CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, the metamagic feat(s) contained in the bookmark and any prerequisites for those metamagic feats; Weight: -- lb.; Market Price: Varies
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