Bonewheel Skeleton (5e Creature)

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Bonewheel Skeleton[edit]

Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (armor scraps, shield)
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 20 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)

Proficiency Bonus +2
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages understands all languages it knew in life but can't speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Wheel Grinder. If the bonewheel skeleton touches another creature while using its rolling dash action, that creature must make a DC 14 dexterity saving throw to avoid the skeleton's rolling spiked wheel. On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 slashing damage for every 5 feet of movement the bonewheel skeleton had remaining, and then the bonewheel skeleton's movement speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. On a successful save, the creature can't be affected by the same bonewheel skeleton's Wheel Grinder feature for the rest of the turn.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Rolling Dash (Recharge 3-6). Until the end of the turn, the skeleton's speed triples.

Bonewheel skeletons, as is implied by their name, are humanoid skeletons, animated by dark and malevolent energies, that have become inexplicably impaled through the rib cage by a large spiked wagon wheel. Rather than pinning it in place and rendering it harmless, however, the wheel instead amplifies the skeleton's deadliness by enabling it to move and turn at speeds no ordinary skeleton could manage, grinding anything hapless enough to get in the way into meaty pulp.

Indeed, many a prospecting tomb robber have met their ends beneath the spokes of a bonewheel skeleton, never again to return home.

Death and Loot. Bonewheel skeletons can be destroyed by conventional means; though like other basic undead, without proper burial rites there's little stopping a necromancer from simply re-animating them again and again. Upon taking enough damage to lose its physical cohesion, a bonewheel skeleton's remains typically have nothing of value for an adventurer to loot. However, if it's still in one piece, the spiked wagon wheel it was attached to can be ripped out and used as a unique sort of improvised weapon that can be used as both a shield and a maul when wielded two-handed.

Combat Behavior

Like other undead, bonewheel skeletons are typically found roaming aimlessly in places steeped in great death and evil, such as within the bowels of an underground ossuary, catacomb, or tomb. When they spot living prey, however, they waste no time in immediately rolling into their target over and over, without stopping until they or the enemy lie dead.
Bonewheel skeletons are not intelligent or skilled combatants. Without manual direction from a spellcaster, the bonewheel's only tactic is to use Rolling Dash to approach the nearest living creature, in an effort to grind it to dust using its Wheel Grinder feature.

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