Bombing Maniac (5e Feat)

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Bombing Maniac

Prerequisites: Dex 17 or higher
Become junkrat from that one game nobody knows about

- Increase your Constitution Score by +1, to a maximum of 20

- when making a throw test with explosives, you add double your proficiency bonus instead of normal, you can also make the explosion radius 1.5x bigger, and half of your proeficiency bonus to it's CD for example, you can make a bomb that would normally explode in a 30ft radius, explode in a 45ft radius instead

- you know how to build several different types of explosives, being able to recreate any explosive from the renaissance explosives table, the CD for explosion tests created by your explosives is equal to 8 + your DEX mod + your proficiency bonus. Assuming you have the ingredients for a bomb, you spend 1h to create 1d4+2 bombs with a combination of your choice. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and recover the uses the next day

-If you already have any type of explosive with you (and the ingredients), you can create 1d4 more of these bombs ,you spend an hour to do so. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and recover the uses the next day

- With DM permission, you can make a slightly weaker version of the explosives from the modern item table, otherwise, just delete this line from this feat.

- you take half the damage against any type of explosion, tests that would only give you half the damage, do not give you any damage.

- you can combine ammunition (you can make gunpowder for firearms), melee weapons and even shields with explosives; For weapons, when the person causes a critical hit, they cause the extra damage from the explosives, on a critical failure, the explosives fall and only they suffer half the damage. For shields, if the person suffers an attack and the opponent rolls a critical failure, you cause an explosion in a 10ft radius, everyone makes a DEX test against your bomber CD (including the owner of the shield, who suffers half the damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one)

- as a bonus action you can make a concussion mine, which you can plant or throw, either way, it deals 4d4 bludgeoning damage (DEX test reduces it by half), when it explodes near you, you take no damage, instead ,you are launched up to 15ft upwards, and another 20ft in any other direction, if you move vertically or land near a wall, make an acrobatics test (cd = bomb damage), if it fails, you take half of the bomb damage as bludgeoning damage for a bad landing, otherwise you land gracefully. You can't take opportunity attacks in this way

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