Blazing Skulls Sombrero (3.5e Equipment)

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Blazing skulls sombrero: This sombrero is adorned with four gorillas skulls. By pronouncing the word of order, the holder can give life in these skulls. Those blaze and leave the sombrero to protect the wearer or to attack his enemies.

Protection: the wearer can use his blazing skulls to protect him from ranged attacks. One time per round, a skull can try to intercept a projectile. The wearer must roll a d20+5, if result is superior to the throw of the adversary, the skull is subjected to damage. Each skulls have 20hp and a hardness of 3. If a skull is destroyed, the wearer takes 1d10 damages of fire and the skull come back on the sombrero and can't be used for one week. Supporting a skull in life inflicts 1d6 non-lethal damages each round.

Attack: A skull can attack, it has a speed of 30 feet, a CA of 15, 20 hp, and a hardness of 3. It has a bonus of +5 at attack roll and deal 1d3+1d6 damages (bite and fire). If a skull is destroyed, the wearer takes 1d10 damages of fire and the skull come back on the sombrero and can't be used for one week. Supporting a skull in life inflicts 1d6 non-lethal damages each round.

Moderate evocationCL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball and animate objects.; Cost 19,000 GP, 1600 XP, 20 Days; Activation: Full round action; Weight: 1 lb. lb.; Market Price: 38,000 gp (6th)

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